Juego de Penaltis MyStake

Juego de Penaltis MyStake por EvoPlay

En el ámbito de los juegos de casino en línea, EvoPlay ha introducido una notable serie de minijuegos conocida como "Penaltis MyStake". Al ingresar al campo, los jugadores deben seleccionar el país que desean representar, lo que prepara el escenario para una experiencia atractiva e inmersiva. Si bien los cuatro juegos comparten el tema común de los penaltis, cada uno aporta su sabor único, agregando capas de estrategia, suspenso y habilidad. En este artículo, profundizamos en los detalles intrincados de estos juegos, explorando su dinámica de juego, elementos estratégicos y la adrenalina intensificada que ofrecen a los jugadores en busca de simplicidad y complejidad dentro del panorama de los juegos de casino.


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Penaltis MyStake

EvoPlay ha creado una cautivadora serie de minijuegos bajo el título "Penaltis MyStake", un testimonio de su destreza para fusionar habilidad, estrategia y momentos llenos de adrenalina dentro del ámbito de los casinos en línea. Dentro de esta serie, los jugadores se enfrentan a cuatro juegos distintos: "Ruleta de Penaltis", "Serie de Penaltis", "Penaltis MyStake" y "Penaltis MyStake Street". Cada uno sumerge a los jugadores en el emocionante drama de las tandas de penaltis en el casino, un escenario donde los nervios y la precisión reinan supremos.

Al ingresar a cualquiera de estos juegos, se les pide a los jugadores que elijan el país que desean representar, infundiendo a la experiencia un sentido de orgullo nacional y anticipación. Si bien el tema central permanece constante: los penaltis de casino en línea; la belleza del diseño de EvoPlay radica en las diferencias sutiles pero significativas que distinguen a cada juego. Son estos matices los que constituyen el foco de nuestra exploración en este artículo, adentrándonos en las complejidades del juego, las estrategias de apuestas y los desafíos únicos planteados por cada variante. A través de este análisis experto, nuestro objetivo es brindar una visión perspicaz del mundo de "Penaltis MyStake", destacando las diversas y atractivas experiencias que esperan a los jugadores en cada iteración de esta notable serie.

Penaltis MyStake Street por EvoPlay

Los "Penaltis MyStake" de EvoPlay emergen como una opción refrescante, simple y emocionante para los jugadores que buscan una mezcla perfecta de sencillez y emoción. En el ámbito de este juego, la sencillez se convierte en su mayor fortaleza. Como participante, tu rol es único: eres el lanzador, aquel al que se le confía la tarea crucial de determinar el destino de cada lanzamiento. La mecánica es elegante y sencilla: cinco puntos distintos representan tu lienzo, y tu tarea es apuntar al arco con la mayor precisión, esperando un lanzamiento exitoso.

En el corazón del atractivo del juego radica su estructura simplificada. A diferencia de sus contrapartes, "Penaltis MyStake" condensa la emoción de los penaltis en cinco niveles intensos, cada uno ofreciendo multiplicadores crecientes que prometen ganancias sustanciales. Comenzando en el Nivel 1 con un modesto multiplicador de 1.92x, las apuestas aumentan drásticamente a medida que avanzas a través de los niveles. El Nivel 2 ofrece 3.84x, el Nivel 3 lo duplica a 7.68x y la intensidad aumenta aún más en el Nivel 4 con un multiplicador de 15.36x. La cúspide del desafío se encuentra en el Nivel 5, donde aguarda un asombroso multiplicador de 30.72x para el jugador audaz.

Esencialmente, "Penaltis MyStake" empodera a los jugadores con una elección, una decisión que encarna el espíritu del juego. Después de cada lanzamiento, tienes la opción de recolectar tus ganancias, asegurando así una recompensa garantizada por tus esfuerzos. Alternativamente, el juego te desafía a arriesgar más, animándote a continuar en busca de la máxima ganancia. Esta dinámica de alto riesgo y alta recompensa agrega una capa de suspenso, haciendo que cada decisión sea una apuesta calculada.

A los ojos de un experto en casinos, "Penaltis MyStake" representa un golpe magistral en el diseño del juego, atrayendo tanto a jugadores novatos que buscan sencillez como a jugadores experimentados en busca de un desafío rápido y lleno de adrenalina. Su jugabilidad intuitiva, junto con la tentadora perspectiva de multiplicadores sustanciales, lo convierte en una opción destacada en el mundo de los casinos en línea. EvoPlay ha logrado destilar la esencia de las tandas de penaltis en una experiencia digital cautivadora, donde cada lanzamiento resuena con la anticipación de una posible gran ganancia, mostrando el matrimonio perfecto entre sencillez y emoción que define un juego de casino verdaderamente cautivador.

F1 Betting Tips


With the soaring popularity of Formula 1 as a global sport, the world of F1 betting has experienced a parallel rise in popularity, particularly in the United Kingdom. In this informative review, we delve into the intricacies of F1 betting, providing essential insights to empower enthusiasts with the knowledge to place informed bets while navigating the dynamic landscape of contemporary Formula 1.



At the heart of Formula 1 lies a competition involving ten distinguished car brands, each represented by two cars. Points are earned based on the Grand Prix results, with individual drivers accumulating their own set of points, contributing to their personal standings. Simultaneously, the drivers from a particular car brand accrue points that determine the brand's position in the constructors' standings. Thus, there exists a twofold competition: one between drivers and the other among the constructors.


Exploring F1 Betting Options

F1 betting offers an exciting range of options, with the primary focus centered on predicting the race winner. While the available betting avenues may not be as extensive as in some other sports, the limited options do not diminish the thrill of the betting experience. Additionally, enthusiasts can savor the excitement of betting on factors such as lap completion times or the driver achieving the fastest lap during the race.


To enhance your chances of success in F1 betting, it is crucial to adopt informed strategies. Consider the following key factors while evaluating potential bets:

·         Historical Performance: Assess the drivers' and constructors' track records, analyzing their past performances on various circuits and taking note of any trends that may impact their current form.


·         Qualification Results: Place importance on the driver securing the pole position as it can significantly influence the outcome of the race. Analyze their qualifying performances to gain insights into their prospects.



·         Circuit Characteristics: Different tracks possess distinct features that can favor certain drivers and car brands. Familiarize yourself with these characteristics and their potential impact on race outcomes.


·         Weather Conditions: Weather plays a pivotal role in Formula 1 races. Keep an eye on forecasts as unexpected weather changes can lead to dramatic shifts in race dynamics, opening up new opportunities for strategic bets.


·         Team Strategies: Stay informed about team strategies, including pit stops, tire choices, and race tactics. These factors can influence a driver's performance and ultimately impact your betting choices.


Evolving F1 Landscape and Dominance of Red Bull Racing


In the dynamic world of F1 betting, the present-day scenario has witnessed significant transformations. Safety measures have reached unprecedented levels, ensuring the well-being of drivers, teams, and spectators. Races now attract thousands of passionate fans and take place in diverse cities around the globe, fostering a sense of excitement and anticipation with each new location.


Amidst this evolving landscape, the current powerhouse in Formula 1 racing is Red Bull Racing, with their talented driver, Max Verstappen, at the helm. The Red Bull team has showcased remarkable prowess, consistently challenging competitors and securing victories, solidifying their position as a formidable force in the sport.


Upcoming Grand Prix Schedule



Dutch Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Aug 27

Track: CM.com Circuit Zandvoort


Italian Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Sep 3

Track: Autodromo Nazionale Monza


Singapore Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Sep 17

Track: Marina Bay Street Circuit


Japanese Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Sep 24

Track: Suzuka Circuit


Qatar Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Oct 8

Track: Losail Circuit


USA Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Oct 22

Track: Circuit of the Americas


Mexican Grand Prix

Date: Mon, Oct 30

Track: Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez



Brazilian Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Nov 5

Track: Autódromo José Carlos Pace



Las Vegas Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Nov 19

Track: Las Vegas Street Circuit


Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

Date: Sun, Nov 26

Track: Yas Marina Circuit




As the F1 betting season progresses, each race promises an electrifying experience, with a mix of iconic circuits and new destinations offering their unique challenges to the drivers and teams. Spectators can anticipate gripping battles on the track, strategic maneuvers, and adrenaline-fueled moments that epitomize the essence of Formula 1 racing.


It is an exciting time for Formula 1 enthusiasts, with the sport continually pushing boundaries and captivating fans worldwide. Stay tuned for the upcoming races, as the thrilling action unfolds on the international stage, featuring the best drivers and teams vying for glory in pursuit of the coveted Formula 1 Championship.



The benefits of F1 betting

For sports lovers seeking an exhilarating betting experience during the summer months when many other sports take a hiatus, Formula 1 betting emerges as an excellent choice. With F1 races spanning throughout the summer season, fans can immerse themselves in the captivating world of motorsport, indulging in the beauty and excitement it has to offer.

As the scorching summer sun graces the tracks, Formula 1 takes center stage, providing fans with a constant stream of action-packed races, adrenaline-fueled moments, and fierce competition. While other sports may be on break, the F1 calendar remains vibrant, ensuring that sports enthusiasts can satisfy their craving for thrilling sporting events.

By engaging in F1 betting, fans have the opportunity to complement their passion for the sport with an added layer of excitement. As they eagerly watch the races unfold, they can also experience the thrill of placing well-informed bets, adding a new dimension to their viewing experience. With each grand prix presenting its unique challenges and unpredictability, F1 races captivate audiences worldwide, providing a visual spectacle and heart-pounding drama.

Whether it's witnessing the awe-inspiring speed of the cars, marveling at the skill and precision of the drivers, or reveling in the strategic battles among the teams, Formula 1 offers an unmatched level of entertainment. And during the summer months, when sports options may be limited, F1 steps into the spotlight, offering a captivating alternative that caters to the cravings of avid sports fans.

As the Formula 1 season unfolds, fans can enjoy the high-octane action and immerse themselves in the sheer beauty of the sport. From iconic circuits to breathtaking overtakes, from nail-biting finishes to unexpected upsets, F1 delivers a spectacle that keeps spectators on the edge of their seats.

So, when the summer arrives and sports enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting the return of their favorite leagues, Formula 1 betting emerges as the ideal choice. With its thrilling races and continuous schedule, F1 betting provides an unparalleled opportunity to indulge in the beauty of motorsport, making it the perfect companion for summer sports lovers seeking an adrenaline rush that transcends traditional boundaries.




Some Other Details


Types of Tires

In Formula 1, teams have the option to choose from three types of tires: hard, soft, and medium. Each tire compound offers specific benefits that suit different track conditions and strategies:

·         Hard Tires: Hard tires are known for their durability and longevity. They are designed to withstand extended periods of use without significant wear, making them suitable for tracks with high tire degradation or races that require longer stints without pit stops. The hard compound provides stability and consistency, albeit with slightly less grip compared to softer compounds.


·         Soft Tires: Soft tires prioritize grip and performance. They feature a stickier compound that maximizes traction, resulting in faster lap times. Soft tires excel in races with cooler temperatures or on tracks with smooth surfaces that offer better grip. However, they tend to wear more quickly, requiring more frequent pit stops to maintain optimal performance.


·         Medium Tires: Medium tires strike a balance between durability and grip. They provide a compromise between the hard and soft compounds, offering decent longevity while still delivering respectable levels of grip. Medium tires are often the preferred choice for races with moderate track conditions or when teams anticipate variable weather conditions.



Drag Reduction System (DRS)

The Drag Reduction System, commonly referred to as DRS, is a crucial component in modern Formula 1 racing. DRS is an adjustable rear wing system that enables drivers to reduce drag on their cars, thus increasing straight-line speed and facilitating overtaking opportunities. The system is activated when a driver is within one second of the car ahead during specific DRS zones on the track.

DRS zones are predetermined sections of the circuit where the rear wing can be adjusted. These zones are typically situated on long straights, where the reduction in drag allows drivers to achieve higher top speeds and gain an advantage when attempting to pass an opponent. However, DRS can only be utilized during specific race situations and is disabled during the opening laps of a race and under safety car conditions.



In Formula 1, penalties are imposed to ensure fair play and maintain safety standards. Penalties can be issued for various infractions, including but not limited to:

·         Jump Starts: If a driver moves before the designated starting signal or crosses the start line before the race officially begins, a jump start penalty may be imposed.


·         Track Limit Violations: Drivers must stay within the track boundaries. Exceeding track limits, gaining an advantage, or forcing another driver off the track can result in penalties, typically in the form of time penalties or position drops.


·         Unsafe Driving: Actions such as erratic maneuvers, blocking, or causing collisions can lead to penalties, including drive-through or stop-and-go penalties, time penalties, or grid position drops for subsequent races.


·         Technical Infractions: Violations related to technical regulations, such as illegal modifications to the car or failure to comply with weight requirements, can result in penalties, including disqualification from the race or loss of championship points.


Yellow and Red Flags

During a Formula 1 race, flags are used as visual signals to communicate track conditions and safety warnings to the drivers. The two primary flags are:

·         Yellow Flag: A yellow flag indicates a hazard or danger on the track, such as an accident, debris, or a slow-moving vehicle. When a yellow flag is displayed, drivers must slow down, exercise caution, and refrain from overtaking until they pass the specific hazard zone.

·         Red Flag: A red flag signifies a race stoppage due to severe incidents or dangerous conditions on the track. When a red flag is shown, drivers must immediately reduce their speed, proceed cautiously to the pit lane or designated area, and come to a complete stop.


These flag systems are implemented to prioritize the safety of drivers, marshals, and track personnel, ensuring that potential hazards are promptly addressed and appropriate actions are taken.

Understanding these additional details of Formula 1 racing, including tire compounds, DRS zones, penalties, and flag signals, enriches the overall comprehension of the sport and enhances the appreciation for the complexities and safety measures involved in the world of F1.





In conclusion, Formula 1 betting offers a thrilling and immersive experience for sports enthusiasts. With a range of betting options and a dynamic landscape, F1 betting allows fans to complement their passion for the sport while enjoying the excitement of placing well-informed bets. Understanding key factors such as driver and constructor standings, tire compounds, DRS zones, penalties, and flag signals enhances the betting experience. With the dominance of Red Bull Racing and an upcoming schedule of electrifying races, F1 betting is an ideal choice, especially during the summer when other sports may be on break. Embrace the beauty and excitement of Formula 1 while engaging in the thrill of wagering.



Aero Game

What is the Aero Mystake Game?

Aero Mystake Crash Game is a recently developed and published game by UpGaming that has garnered significant popularity worldwide. The game centers around a character, a pilot dressed in dark green with a remarkable mustache that catches the attention of onlookers. His main objective is to maintain flight without crashing for as long as possible.

As this captivating character takes flight, he accumulates multipliers. The longer and farther he remains airborne, the more multipliers are generated. As a player, you can place a bet ranging from 0.10 EUR / USD / BRL / GBP to 1000.00 EUR / USD / BRL / GBP before the plane embarks on its journey. Success in the game depends on your focus and quick reactions to cash out before the plane encounters technical engine errors and crashes. Multipliers can vary from as low as 1.00X to as high as 10,000X.

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How to Play Aero Casino Game? If you're ready to join the Aero pilot in flight, simply create an account on Mystake. To partake in the Aero Casino game, you'll need to make a real-money deposit, as each takeoff requires a genuine wager. Always remember to gamble responsibly and only bet money you can afford to lose. After depositing funds, you can start enjoying various bonuses, including a 100% welcome offer, provided by Mystake Casino.

Let's explore the game options available. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that it functions much like any other crash game, offering auto-bet and auto cash-out buttons for each round. Additionally, you can view a progress bar indicating how far the plane has traveled in previous attempts. These features provide a comfortable environment for players of all types, whether you're playing for enjoyment or employing a strategy to maximize profits!

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Rules for Playing Aero Mystake Game The rules for the Aero Casino game are straightforward. Let's delve into them:

To win, your cashout number must be greater than 1 but less than or equal to the crash number. The win is calculated by multiplying the collected multiplier coefficient by the wager made.

The maximum multiplier is 10,000x, while the minimum is 1x.

You can place one or two bets in the same game.

Each bet can be manually configured, and winnings can be collected separately for each bet.

You have the option to set auto-collect on each bet. By entering a number greater than 1 and enabling "auto," your winnings will be automatically collected if Aero doesn't crash before reaching that number.

You can also set auto-bet for each wager, which will automatically place bets for every spin until you decide to disable it.


MyStake Penalty Casino Game

MyStake Penalty Game by EvoPlay

In the realm of online casino gaming, EvoPlay has introduced a remarkable series of minigames known as "MyStake Penalty." As players step into the arena, they must select the country they wish to represent, setting the stage for an engaging and immersive experience. While all four games share the common theme of penalty kicks, each brings its unique flavor to the table, adding layers of strategy, suspense, and skill. In this article, we delve into the intricate details of these games, exploring their gameplay dynamics, strategic elements, and the heightened adrenaline they offer to players in search of both simplicity and complexity within the casino gaming landscape.


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MyStake Penalty

EvoPlay has curated a captivating series of minigames under the title "MyStake Penalty," a testament to their prowess in merging skill, strategy, and adrenaline-pumping moments within the online casino sphere. Within this series, players are presented with four distinct games: "Penalty Roulette," "Penalty Series," "MyStake Penalty," and "MyStake Penalty Street." Each of these games immerses players in the heart-pounding drama of penalty shootouts casino, a scenario where nerve and precision reign supreme.

Upon entering any of these games, players are prompted to select the country they wish to represent, imbuing the experience with a sense of national pride and anticipation. While the core theme remains consistent – online casino penalty kicks – the beauty of EvoPlay's design lies in the subtle yet significant differences that set each game apart. It is these nuances that form the focus of our exploration in this article, delving into the intricacies of gameplay, betting strategies, and the unique challenges posed by each variant. Through this expert analysis, we aim to provide an insightful glimpse into the world of "MyStake Penalty," highlighting the diverse and engaging experiences that await players in each iteration of this remarkable series.

MyStake Penalty Street by EvoPlay

EvoPlay's "MyStake Penalty" emerges as a refreshingly straightforward yet exhilarating option for players seeking a seamless blend of simplicity and excitement. In the realm of this game, simplicity becomes its greatest strength. As a participant, your role is singular: you are the goal taker, the one entrusted with the crucial task of determining the fate of every kick. The mechanics are elegantly uncomplicated – five distinct spots represent your canvas, and your task is to aim for the goal with the utmost precision, hoping for a successful shot.

At the heart of the game's appeal lies its streamlined structure. Unlike its counterparts, "MyStake Penalty" distills the thrill of penalties into five intense levels, each offering escalating multipliers that promise substantial wins. Starting at Level 1 with a modest 1.92x multiplier, the stakes increase dramatically as you progress through the levels. Level 2 offers 3.84x, Level 3 doubles it to 7.68x, and the intensity rises further in Level 4 with a 15.36x multiplier. The pinnacle of the challenge lies at Level 5, where a staggering 30.72x multiplier awaits the daring player.

Crucially, "MyStake Penalty" empowers players with a choice – a decision that epitomizes the spirit of gambling. After every kick, you have the option to collect your winnings, ensuring a guaranteed reward for your efforts. Alternatively, the game dares you to push your luck further, encouraging you to continue in pursuit of the maximum win. This high-risk, high-reward dynamic adds a layer of suspense, making each decision a calculated gamble.

In the eyes of a casino expert, "MyStake Penalty" represents a masterstroke of game design, appealing to both novice players seeking simplicity and seasoned gamblers looking for a quick, adrenaline-fueled challenge. Its intuitive gameplay, coupled with the tantalizing prospect of substantial multipliers, makes it a standout choice in the realm of online casinos. EvoPlay has managed to distill the essence of penalty shootouts into a captivating digital experience, where every kick echoes with the anticipation of a potential big win, showcasing the perfect marriage of simplicity and thrill that defines a truly engaging casino game.

Mystake Casino Bonus

Mystake Casino Bonus

The more rich and more varied the casino's incentives, the happier the players. In addition, it is incredibly difficult to choose only one incentive from MyStake's vast range. No matter if you are a new player or an experienced, how much you have wagered or won, you will find a bonus here. As we know bonuses are an essential part of every casino, and if you want to carve out a niche for yourself in the gaming industry, you need to offer bonuses that are unique, imaginative, and inventive. Only then will you be able to stand out from the competition. Casinos will typically work toward the goal of providing the least feasible bonus to their customers because doing so incurs a significant amount of cost and risk for the business. This is done less to make the company more profitable and more so to entice potential employees and customers.

Check out Mystake Promotions


Minigame welcome bonus

A 100% bonus will be granted on deposits ranging from 20 euros or dollars to 500 euros or dollars. However, this rule is only applicable to mini-games and comes with a wagering requirement of 20 times the amount of the bonus received for the initial deposit. The maximum amount that can be wagered on a single round of a minigame is €10.


Welcome Casino Bonus

A bonus of 150% will be credited to your account for every deposit that is between 20 euros and 200 dollars. Nevertheless, players will receive a 100% bonus on deposits that range from 201 euros to one thousand dollars. The minimum amount required to qualify for the Bonus is 20 euros or dollars. Despite this, the casino bonus can be used for any casino slot game.


10% LOYALTY Deposit Bonus

Customers who have shown their loyalty to MyStake are eligible to get a cashback reward of 10%! Your total deposits (after accounting for any bonus activity or withdrawals) should be greater than one hundred euros in total. So it is your chance to get cashback from your activity.


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A 170% bonus will be granted for deposits ranging from 20 euros or dollars to 600 euros or dollars. This 170% Bonus can only be claimed once, on the very first deposit that is ever made on MyStake, and it is only valid for the very first deposit that is made using Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Dash, Monero, or Stellar. Additionally, this Bonus can only be used once. The bonus requires a deposit of at least $20, and the maximum allowed is $1,000.00.


10% Crypto Cashback

Deposits made using cryptocurrency are eligible for a cashback bonus of 10%! Your cashback will be equal to 10% of your total losses and will be calculated based on the total amount of all deposits made in crypto during the same month.


2nd Deposit Casino Bonus

A 100% bonus will be granted on deposits ranging from 20 euros or USD to 500 euros or USD. The minimum amount required to qualify for the Bonus is 20 euros or dollars. Your account will be credited with the bonus as soon as your second deposit has been successfully processed. After successfully claiming the first deposit bonus, all customers of MyStake are entitled to be considered for the second deposit bonus offer. (It is not required that you activate the bonus for your first deposit in order to activate the bonus for your second deposit.)


Sports Reload Bonus

A bonus of 35% will be applied to deposits ranging from 20 euros or dollars up to 350 € / $. The maximum bonus that can be received for a single investment is 125.00 € /$. You are eligible for a bonus that is equal to 35% of each deposit that you make. To qualify for the bonus, a deposit of at least 20 € / $ is required. The Reload Sportsbook Bonus is only applicable to the Sports Betting category.


Welcome eSports Bonus

When you make your first deposit at Mystake, you'll be eligible to receive a bonus worth up to $/€ 500. To qualify for the bonus, a deposit of at least 20 € / $ is required. The Welcome Sportsbook Bonus is only applicable to betting on electronic sports. (It is important to note that in order to qualify for this bonus on your first deposit only).

3 + 1 Freebet

If you place three bets, you will receive the fourth bet as a free bet! Bets that will count include: Minimum wager required is 10 Euro, and the minimum number of positions required is 3Min.odd for position 1.3. The lowest amount of free bet is 10 € or 10 $, and the highest amount is 100 € or 100 $.


Dino | 10 Free Runs

MyStake stands out with both the No deposit Promo Code and Deposit Bonus Codes.

Make a deposit at MyStake and use the bonus code DINOFREERUN to receive 10 free Dino Runs, each worth 1 euro.

Visit the section of our bonus page that is dedicated to free spins and free bets if you are interested in receiving up-to-date information. On that page, you will find comprehensive information regarding active bonus codes for a variety of games.


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How to Bet on League of Legends

How to Bet on League of Legends

League of Legends (LoL) is a massively popular online multiplayer game, developed and published by Riot Games. With a massive player base and a constantly evolving competitive scene, it's no surprise that LoL betting has become a popular pastime for many fans of the game.

Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a new player looking to place your first bet, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started with LoL betting. We'll cover everything from the basics of how to bet on LoL to the best LoL betting strategies.


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Mystake Online Casino: A Safe and Secure LoL Betting Destination

If you're looking for a safe and secure platform to bet on LoL, look no further than Mystake Online Casino. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of betting options, Mystake is the perfect choice for both new and experienced players.

On MyStake, you can bet on every market available. Betting market includes:

  • Total Elemental Dragons slain
  • Total Towers destroyed
  • Total Barons slain
  • First team to destroy inhibitor
  • First team to kill Baron
  • Race to Kills

And many more. Depending on the game, market and odds will change.

league of legends betting

In addition to LoL betting, Mystake also offers a wide range of other games and betting options, including popular slots and table games. This means that you can enjoy a complete gaming experience, all from the comfort of your own home.

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Betting on LoL: The Basics

When it comes to betting on LoL, there are a few basic things you need to understand. Firstly, it's important to familiarize yourself with the different types of bets available, including moneyline bets, outright winner bets, and handicap bets.

Moneyline bets are the simplest form of LoL betting, where you simply bet on which team will win a particular match. Outright winner bets are similar, but instead of betting on individual matches, you bet on which team will win a tournament or championship. Handicap bets involve betting on a team to win by a certain margin, and are often used when one team is heavily favored over another.


Best LoL Betting Sites

When choosing a platform to bet on LoL, it's important to choose a site that is both safe and secure. The best LoL betting sites is Mystake Online Casino. This site offers a wide range of betting options and competitive odds, making it a great choice for any player.

Betting Strategies for LoL

When betting on LoL, it's important to have a strategy in place. One effective strategy is to keep up with the latest news and trends in the competitive scene, including player roster changes and recent performance. This will give you a better understanding of each team's strengths and weaknesses, and help you make informed betting decisions.

Another strategy is to focus on betting on underdogs. While it may be tempting to bet on the heavily favored team, betting on underdogs can often provide better value and better odds.

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In conclusion, LoL betting is a popular and exciting way to enjoy the game and potentially win big. Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a new player, make sure to choose a safe and secure platform, such as Mystake Online Casino, and have a solid strategy in place. Good luck, and happy betting!

How to Bet on Valorant?

How to Bet on Valorant

Valorant is a popular tactical shooter game, developed and published by Riot Games. With its fast-paced gameplay, strategic elements, and massive player base, it's no surprise that Valorant betting has become a popular pastime for many fans of the game.

Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a new player looking to place your first bet, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started with Valorant betting. We'll cover everything from the basics of how to bet on Valorant to the best Valorant betting sites and strategies.

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Mystake Online Casino: A Safe and Secure Place to Bet on Valorant

If you're looking for a safe and secure platform to bet on Valorant, look no further than Mystake Online Casino. With a user-friendly interface and a wide range of betting options, Mystake is the perfect choice for both new and experienced players.

In addition to Valorant betting, Mystake also offers a wide range of other games and betting options, including popular slots, table games and Minigames. This means that you can enjoy a complete gaming experience, all from the comfort of your own home.


Betting on Valorant: The Basics

When it comes to betting on Valorant, there are a few basic things you need to understand. Firstly, it's important to familiarize yourself with the different types of bets available, including moneyline bets, outright winner bets, and handicap bets.

Moneyline bets are the simplest form of Valorant betting, where you simply bet on which team will win a particular match. Outright winner bets are similar, but instead of betting on individual matches, you bet on which team will win a tournament or championship. Handicap bets involve betting on a team to win by a certain margin, and are often used when one team is heavily favored over another.


Best Valorant Betting Sites

When choosing a platform to bet on Valorant, it's important to choose a site that is both safe and secure. Some of the best Valorant betting sites include Mystake Online Casino, Betway, and Pinnacle. These sites offer a wide range of betting options and competitive odds, making them a great choice for any player.

 On MyStake you can bet on the most markets available:

  • - Match Winner
  • - Map Advantage
  • - Total maps
  • - Total Rounds
  • - Correct Score


valorant betting

and many other markets are available for you to bet on.

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Betting Strategies for Valorant

When betting on Valorant, it's important to have a strategy in place. One effective strategy is to keep up with the latest news and trends in the competitive scene, including player roster changes and recent performance. This will give you a better understanding of each team's strengths and weaknesses, and help you make informed betting decisions.

Another strategy is to focus on betting on underdogs. While it may be tempting to bet on the heavily favored team, betting on underdogs can often provide better value and better odds.

In conclusion, Valorant betting is a popular and exciting way to enjoy the game and potentially win big. Whether you're a seasoned gambler or a new player, make sure to choose a safe and secure platform, such as Mystake Online Casino, and have a solid strategy in place. Good luck, and happy betting!

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How to Bet on CS:GO

How to bet on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

CS:GO (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) is a popular first-person shooter game that has gained a massive following worldwide. As a result, CS:GO betting has become a popular way for fans to engage with the game and potentially make some money.

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How To Play CS:GO?

CS:GO is a popular first-person shooter game that has gained a massive following worldwide. It's a highly engaging and competitive game that requires skill and sharp senses to play well. If you're new to CS:GO and want to learn how to play, here's a guide to get you started.

The objective of the game is simple: Terrorists try to plant the bomb, while counter-terrorists try to defend the bomb sites, or defuse a planted bomb. The game is played in rounds, and each round lasts for up to two minutes. The first team to win 16 rounds wins the game.

As you play the game, with accumulated wins you will rank up. CS:GO has its own rank system, which starts from Silver and goes up to Global Elite. While Global Elite is the highest rank in CS:GO, it still is not the maximum level you can achieve. The most skilled players are playing on FaceIt, a popular third-party platform that offers more advanced gameplay and ranking systems. The “Pro Player” title is given to people who reach level 10 on FaceIt.

CS:GO is a highly competitive game, and to be successful, you'll need to master the game's mechanics and gameplay. This includes knowing the maps, learning the weapons and their recoil patterns, understanding the economy of the game, and communicating effectively with your team.

There are many resources available online to help you improve your CS:GO skills, including video tutorials, practice maps, and coaching services. You can also join CS:GO communities and forums to connect with other players and learn from their experiences.

In conclusion, playing CS:GO is a rewarding experience for those who love first-person shooter games. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, understanding the game's mechanics and gameplay is key to success. By practicing regularly and using available resources to improve your skills, you can become a skilled and successful CS:GO player. Fully understanding CS:GO will improve your betting skills by a lot.


Best place to bet on CSGO

To bet on CS:GO, you first need to find a reputable online betting site that offers CS:GO betting. MyStake casino offer CS:GO betting as part of its portfolio. MyStake has widest range of CS:GO betting options.

Once you have chosen a betting site, you need to create an account, deposit funds, and select the CS:GO game and market that you want to bet on. Some common types of CS:GO bets include match winner, map winner, round winner, and total maps played. But, it should be mentioned, that the bet types might differ in some games. It's important to do your research and understand the teams and players before placing a bet.

bet on csgo

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How to Bet on CS:GO?

  • ·         Understand the odds: Before placing a bet, you need to understand the odds and how they work. The odds indicate the probability of a particular outcome, and higher odds mean a higher potential payout.
  • ·         Research the teams and players: Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each team and player can help you make informed betting decisions.
  • ·         Set a budget: It's important to set a budget for your CS:GO betting and stick to it. Never bet more than you can afford to lose.
  • ·         Don't chase losses: If you lose a bet, don't try to make up for it by placing more bets. This can lead to bigger losses.
  • ·         Take advantage of promotions and bonuses: Mystake offer promotions and bonuses, such as free bets or Welcome bonus. Take advantage of these offers to maximize your betting potential.

In summary, CS:GO betting can be a fun and potentially lucrative activity for fans of the game. However, it's important to approach it responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose. MyStake Casino can help ensure a safe and enjoyable betting experience.

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How to Bet on Dota 2

How to Bet on Dota 2

Dota 2 is the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game that has gained a massive following worldwide. As a result, Dota 2 betting has become a popular way for fans to engage with the game and potentially make some money.

Dota 2 Tournaments

Dota 2 tournaments are a major part of the game's competitive scene, with numerous tournaments taking place throughout the year. These tournaments are typically organized by third-party companies or by Valve Corporation, the developer of Dota 2.

One of the most popular Dota 2 tournaments is The International, which is organized by Valve Corporation and takes place annually. The International is known for its large prize pool, which is crowdfunded by players who purchase in-game items. The winning team of The International takes home a significant portion of the prize pool, with the 2022 champions taking home around $19 million.

Other popular Dota 2 tournaments include the Dota Pro Circuit (DPC), which is a series of tournaments that take place throughout the year, and the ESL One tournament series, which is organized by ESL Gaming, a leading esports company.

Dota 2 tournaments feature some of the best players and teams from around the world, and are watched by millions of fans. MyStake offers odds and markets for these tournaments, making it a popular betting activity for fans.

Tournaments provide an opportunity for players to showcase their skills and compete for large prize pools, and for fans to enjoy high-quality gameplay and support their favorite teams. As Dota 2 continues to grow in popularity, it's likely that we'll see more and more tournaments taking place in the future, with even larger prize pools and more intense competition.

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How to bet on Dota 2

To bet on Dota 2, you first need to find a reputable online betting site that offers Dota 2 betting. Many online casinos and sportsbooks offer Dota 2 betting as part of their portfolio. One of the popular betting sites is MyStake Casino, which offers a range of Dota 2 betting options.

Once you have chosen a betting site, you need to create an account, deposit funds, and select the Dota 2 game and market that you want to bet on. Some common types of Dota 2 bets include match winner, map winner, first blood, and total kills. It's important to do your research and understand the teams and players before placing a bet.

Here are some tips for successful Dota 2 betting:

  • ·         Understand the odds: Before placing a bet, you need to understand the odds and how they work. The odds indicate the probability of a particular outcome, and higher odds mean a higher potential payout.
  • ·         Research the teams and players: Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of each team and player can help you make informed betting decisions.
  • ·         Set a budget: It's important to set a budget for your Dota 2 betting and stick to it. Never bet more than you can afford to lose.
  • ·         Don't chase losses: If you lose a bet, don't try to make up for it by placing more bets. This can lead to bigger losses.
  • ·         Take advantage of promotions and bonuses: Many betting sites offer promotions and bonuses, such as free bets or deposit matches. Take advantage of these offers to maximize your betting potential.

bet on dota 2

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In summary, Dota 2 betting can be a fun and potentially lucrative activity for fans of the game. However, it's important to approach it responsibly and only bet what you can afford to lose. Finding a reputable betting site like MyStake Casino can help ensure a safe and enjoyable betting experience.

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Megaways Slot

Megaways Slot

If you're looking for a new and exciting way to enjoy online slots, then Megaways slots may be just what you need. Megaways slots are a type of online slot game that uses a unique random reel modifier mechanic. This means that each spin has a random number of symbols, which can change the game and offer far more winning combinations than traditional online slots.

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What is the difference between Megaways and Normal slots?

Megaways slots offer a more dynamic and unpredictable gaming experience. With each spin having a different number of symbols, the game can offer a range of different outcomes, making each spin more exciting. This unpredictability adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay, and can keep players engaged for longer.

In addition to the dynamic gameplay, Megaways slots also offer more winning combinations than traditional online slots. With more symbols and ways to win, players have a higher chance of hitting a winning combination. This can lead to bigger payouts and a more rewarding gaming experience.

If you're getting tired of playing the same old online slots, then Megaways slots can be a great way to freshen up your gaming experience. With a range of different themes and styles to choose from, there is a Megaways slot game for every type of player.

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The Best Megaways

  • - Bonanza - which has a mining theme and offers up to 117,649 ways to win.
  • - Genie Jackpots Megaways – it has an Arabian theme and offers up to 15,625 ways to win.
  • - Madame Destiny Megaways – Play with Clairvoyant Madame Destiny, which offers over 200000 ways to win.
  • - The Dog House Megaways – Play Dog Huse Megaways, beautifully themed house full of cute dogs, with over 117000 ways to win.
  • - Buffalo King Megaways - Play Buffalo King Megaways, discover desert animals and get over 200 000 ways to win.
  • - Gonzo’s Quest Megaways - Join Spanish Explorer Gonzo as you search for the lost golden city of El Dorado and the treasures within. Gonzo’s Quest offers 95.97% Return to Player ratio.
  • - Big Bass Bonanza Megaways – This underwater adventure brings over 46 000 ways to win.
  • - Dax Xboot – Play as a submarine captain and get over 75 000 ways to win.
  • - Stack’em – Beautiful retro design and thousands of ways to win make this game one of a kind.
  • - Eternal Phoenix Megaways – Summon the Eternal phoenix and get over 117 000 ways to win.

These games are available on MyStake Casino, which offers a range of other Megaways slot games as well.


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In conclusion, Megaways slots offer a unique and exciting gaming experience that can be a refreshing change from traditional online slots. With more symbols, ways to win, and unpredictability, Megaways slots offer a more dynamic and rewarding gaming experience. So why not try out a Megaways slot game today and see if you can hit the jackpot?


Gates of Olympus

Gates of Olympus

If you're a fan of online slot games, you've probably heard of the Gates of Olympus. This popular game was developed by Pragmatic Play, one of the most renowned providers in the industry. Pragmatic Play is known for creating some of the most popular games, including Sweet Bonanza, The Dog House Megaways, Starlight Princess, and more.

The Gates of Olympus slot game is a 6x5 video slot with 20 paylines. It is based on the Greek god Zeus and his realm of Mount Olympus. In this game, symbols tumble down the reels and pay in clusters of at least 8. The game features four multiplier symbols that can take any value up to 500x. These multiplier symbols are Zeus' gifts to players, and they can lead to huge payouts.

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Gates of Olympus Features

One of the best features of the Gates of Olympus slot game is the Free Spins bonus round. During this round, players can earn 15 free games. All multipliers are added up during the Free Spins round, which can lead to tremendous prizes for lucky players.

  • ·         Tumble Feature – After every spin, winning combinations are paid and all winning symbols disappear. The remaining symbols fall to the bottom of the screen and the empty positions are replaced with symbols coming from above. Tumbling will continue until no more winning combinations appear as a result of a tumble. There’s no limit to the number of possible tumbles. Whenever a multiplier symbol hits, it takes a random multiplier (2x – 500x). gates of olympus
  • ·         Free Spins Feature – It is awarded when 4 or more scatter symbols hit anywhere on the screen.

Gates of Olympus has become one of the most popular slot games of 2021-2022, and for good reason. The game is easy to understand and play, and the graphics and sound effects are top-notch. The chance to win big with multipliers up to 500x makes the game even more exciting.

In addition to its popularity among players, the Gates of Olympus slot game has also received critical acclaim. It was nominated for the Game of the Year award at the 2021 EGR Operator Awards, which is a prestigious honor in the online gambling industry.


Where to Play Gates of Olympus?

If you're interested in playing the Gates of Olympus slot game, it is available on MyStake. Pragmatic Play is a popular provider, and if you want to play different games from Pragmatic Play, it can be found at MyStake. You can play Gates of Olympus for real money.

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In conclusion, the Gates of Olympus is the most popular slot game of 2021-2022 for good reason. Its exciting gameplay, top-notch graphics, and huge multipliers make it a hit with players. If you're looking for a fun and potentially rewarding online slot game to play, give the Gates of Olympus a spin.

Boosted Sports Odds on MyStake

Boosted odds on Mystake

MyStake Casino is introducing a brand-new promotion called Boosted Odds. Thanks to this weekly promotion, sports fans can raise their earnings with better odds on hand-picked positions from significant athletic events.

MyStake Casino users are able to place bets using Boosted Odds on their favourite sports. The casino will choose a position from a major sporting event every week and raise the odds for that specific stake. Players will be given the opportunity to profit more from a single investment as a result, which will motivate them to engage in the activity even more.

Another highlight of MyStake Casino's innovative approach to sports betting is this latest promotion. The casino anticipates that sports fans looking for a fresh way to get in on the action will be attracted to Boosted Odds. With boosted odds, you can increase your winnings. It will also increase the excitement of watching sports, whether you're a professional bettor or a beginner.


So if you want to make your sports betting experience even more thrilling, check out Boosted Odds at MyStake Casino. The higher odds on carefully selected positions from important sporting events will give you the possibility to win big in your preferred sports. For what are you still waiting? Take immediate part in the action!


General rules of Boosted odds

Here are the boosted odds for the most well-known sporting events! Obtain a multiplier for your favourite sports pick of x2, x4, or even x10!

The MyStake team will choose boosted odds for the most well-known sporting events. You must visit the website's Sports page and look for "Special Odds" among the various sports in order to see which markets are currently being increased. Only when a Boosted event is available will this tab be accessible If the "Special Odds" tab is not present on the sports page, there are no boosted events currently available.

You can view the list of possible enhanced positions by selecting Special Odds. For each event, there may be more than one selection available, such as Boosted Odds on Player To Score and Boosted Odds on Team to Win.


To make the most of this promotion, continually monitor the Special Odds market to ensure that you don't miss a chance to receive multiplied earnings.



All MyStake players are eligible for the Boosted Odds promotion.

  •           - A maximum bet of $100 or its equivalent may be made on the Boosted Odds position.

  •           - No other picks may be coupled with the increased odd pick. Only bets of one type are permitted!

  •          - Free bets and bonus bets are not permitted.

  •           - The outcome of the Bet on Special Odds event has no impact on the development of the "New Season Cashback" or any other ongoing promotions.

  •           - If there are many events available with boosted odds, you are free to put a wager on any and all of them.

  •           - There are no wager requirements for winnings from the increased odds market. The cash can be taken out right now.


So it is your chance to activate this bonus and gain much more profit than you expect from your investment!

BlackJack - How to Play ?

How to Play Blackjack?

Because Blackjack is one of the popular live casino games, we offer you the rules and whole playing instructions.

The objective of the game for player is to exceed the dealer’s total or not to go over 21 when the dealer does so. All cards count their face value. Picture cards count as 10 and the Ace counts as 11 or 1 (if the amount of total exceeds 21). Card suits doesn’t matter.

Useful terms:

Busting - When a player or dealer exceeds 21, it’s called Busting.

Hard hand – Any hand not containing the Ace, or, containing the Ace which equals to 1, is regarded as hard. For example, 10 and 7 is hard 17; 10, 6 and A is hard 17 again.

Soft hand - Any hand containing Ace as 11 is regarded to be soft hand. For example, A-7 is a soft 18.

If one of the first played two cards is Ace, you should regard it as 11. The difference between hard and soft hands is the strategy of the game.


Betting rules and starting a game


Blackjack is played by maximum seven players. In front of each player there is a betting spot (circle or square). This is where the wager is placed using casino chips. When you take a sit at a table, you should place your cash that will be converted into chips by the dealer.

The value of the chip is printed on the chip itself, in most cases, the chips differ with color. There are the minimum and maximum betting limits for every table. You need to check that information before sitting at a table.

Players make bets by placing the chips, each player and a dealer get 2 cards. Dealer has one upcard and one downcard (that is unseen). After a player check his first 2 cards and one upcard of the dealer, he should make a decision


Playing options:


Hitting - Asking for another card from the dealer;

Standing – the total of the hand is acceptable for you and do not ask for another;

Pair splitting – in case you have 2 alike cards, you can split them by making another bet equal to the original one. Now you play separately for each card.

Doubling down – to double the initial bet in return for receiving one draw card.

Surrender – to forfeit the hand immediately with the automatic loss of half of the bet. If the dealer has a blackjack hand, surrender is not available.


Insurance and Even money


If an upcard of the dealer is an Ace, he/she asks, if the players want to make insurance wager. In this case, players are betting that the downcard of the dealer will be ten-value card. The insurance bet can be less or equal to one-half of the initial bet.

A dealer offers the players Even Money, when a player has blackjack and the dealer has an Ace as an upcard. It means, the dealer gives you 1 to 1 payoff on your bet, before checking his downcard.



Rules for a dealer


Dealers do not have playing options. They should draw if their hand total is less than 17, and stand when the total is 17 to 21.



Win and Lose


If the total of your cards exceeds the 21, you automatically lose.

If the hand of a player exceeds the total of the dealer, the player wins.

If the player and the dealer have the same total, the hand is a tie or push.

Untied blackjack hand of a player is paid at 3 to 2.

How To Play Dragon Tiger ?

How To Play Dragon Tiger ?

Looking for a fast action online game? You should definitely try the game of Dragon Tiger with live dealer presentation in real time. The game looks like Baccarat – players should predict which will be the hand receiving the highest card. There is standard deck of cards used in order to play Dragon Tiger with 6-8 decks in a shoe.  We can compare Dragon Tiger to another game as well, here as well as in the Casino War Dragon and the Tiger get only single card.


Rules and How to Play


The gamblers should decide on which side do they place bets, the Tiger or the Dragon. After the dealer places cards on the table, they will be revealed face up. The highest card wins. The gamblers should know that the Aces are low cards. In case of getting the same value cards, the hand is a tie and all the gamblers lose the half of their wagers. There are no other rules in this game and it’s definitely easy to play.


Player Moves


Bog and Small bets can also be placed with Dragon Tiger and players will wager on whether the Dragon or the Tiger spot will be Big, over 7, or Small, under 7. This wager will lose if either spot is a 7.

There is no need to make much moves in this game. Players just place bets on the Dragon or the Tiger side. The only thing that is different is that the gamblers can place tie bets as well. it means, they predict whether the two placed cards will be of equal value or not. The payout for tie bet is 8:1 but as the house edge is 32.7% for the tie bets, mostly they are not used. There are Big and Small bets known as well. gamblers should predict whether the spot will be higher or lower than 7. The wager loses if the spot equals to 7.


Suit Bets and Strategies for Dragon Tiger


There is one more bet possibility at Dragon Tiger game and it’s called suit bet. In case a correct suit is selected, player gets 3:1.  While the gamblers try to predict the exact suit, if a 7 is revealed, casino takes all the wagers.

As the game is very simple and has minimal rules, there are very few strategies to offer. Counting cards can be the option, but you might find it complicated as there are single cards placed each time. As for the suit bets: if three of the four suits appeared several times than a single suit, it’s highly likely that you should place a bet on that single suit. 

Top 3 Reasons To Play Slots Online

Free Spins for Online Slots

Free Spins / Bonuses


Online slots sites have much to offer to its users. There are many attracting proposals that’s not an usual thing in case of land-based casinos. The variety of bonuses and Promotions is one of the good reasons to mention. Most of the online casinos offer bonuses and free spins with the help of which gamblers can win money from zero deposit.


Choice of Games


The variety of games is a simple thing for online casinos. You can choose your favorite ones according to your taste. You can have fun from different gadgets, whether it’s a laptop or a PC or your cell phone.  There are some free games in case you do not want to make a deposit from the very beginning.  That’s impossible at land-based casinos where you definitely need some money to start to gamble.  The themes of online casino slots are very different from many companies that produce them for you to feel special. There is almost no chance to find it difficult to choose the games that fit you.




The flexibility of playing online is not even worth to discuss. Imagine, there is no need to get dressed and go somewhere in order to have fun. The only thing you need to do so is that you should decide when you want to play, where you want to play from and what the gadget is that you would like to play with. Another good thing is anonymity. If you go to land-based casino, you might meet some familiar faces and you may not like it. The privacy is guaranteed in case of playing online. And there is one thing to mention as well: online casinos do not have opening hours, you can play anytime you want, that’s impossible while talking about land-based casinos.

So, if you are a comfort-loving 21 century person, the reasons listed above should be enough to try some online slot casinos if you don’t do so yet.

Armada Game - The New MyStake Minigame

Armada: The New MyStake Minigame

The most recent addition to the MyStake family of Mini Games is called Armada, and it is unlike any other game that we have played. MyStake has never failed impress us with the wide selection of mini casino games available. There has been a lot of success with Chicken, Dino, and Icefield. There is one thing that all of these mini games have in common, and that is, most crucially, the potential for profit. The enormous RTP ratio of 99% that is shared by all of the MyStake Minigames positions them as the most lucrative game in the sector. Armada is also about guessing, but in a different way, and so are the other games in this category. Armada is exclusive to the MyStake Online Casino, where it may be played. You won't find this feature on any other online casino company. Armada is a custom minigame that was produced for MyStake by UpGaming, a business that specializes in the development of minigames.

Play Armada Game


Armada Casino Game: Detailed Review

The latest MyStake Mini Game is called Armada, and it is inspired by the history of the several expansions of the famous Spanish Armada fleet. The concept of the game is based on the well-known player vs player battleship game (Sea Battle). Armada is a kind of wagering game played online. The dimensions of the hidden board are 10 by 10, and the objective is to predict the configuration of the naval fleet based on the information provided.

Armada, just like the other My Stake Mini Games, offers a guaranteed return to player percentage of 99. You are required to make a deposit of real money in order to play at the MyStake casino. It will cost you money to take part in the game. Each time you participate in the game, you put your own money on the line. You should play the game at your own risk, since the purpose of this page is just to provide information and in no way encourages, recommends, or compels you to participate in the game.

Each round of the game requires a wager in real money. Because the amount that you stake may range anywhere from 0.2 dollars to one thousand dollars, the game is accessible to participants of all financial means.

Armada Game Rules - How To Play?

If you've ever participated in a Player vs Player Sea Battle, then the game's rules should come very naturally to you at this point. The game board, often known as a map, has dimensions of 10 squares by 10 squares and is labeled with the numbers 1-10 and the characters A to J. There are one hundred containers in all. On top of the map, there are a total of ten ships that are scattered around in a random pattern. It is not possible to alter the number of ships that are currently on the board since this value is set in stone. Due to the varied sizes of the ships, there are a variety of box configurations that can accommodate them.

The Gameplay of Armada

Out of a total of one hundred boxes, there are a total of twenty filled with various components of the ships. You currently possess 5 explosives. If you are unable to hit the right box, the number of bombs will drop; however, if you are successful in hitting the target, the number of bombs will not decrease. To summarize, you have a total of five lives.

After you have successfully struck the target, you have no way of knowing the size of the ship, unless it is a single-box spacecraft. If you strike the tiniest ship, it will instantly explode, and you will be given the choice to pay out any wins you have accumulated. If you have already struck a larger ship, you should continue striking it in either the horizontal or vertical direction to totally sink it (the formation of the ship cannot be diagonal). After the whole ship has been sunk, the cashout feature will become accessible to use. There is no cashout option whether you take out a quarter, a quarter, or three quarters of the ship.


Play Armada Game


Other Game Characters

There are more things than ships on the gaming map. There are extra parts, and depending on how you use them, your odds will either improve or worsen. Let's go through everything you could find on the game map, starting with the pieces:






Extra 9 Bombs



If you manage to strike on the 9x bomb piece, you'll be rewarded with an extra set of 9 bombs for your arsenal. You will end up with 14 lives as a result of this, which is an improvement over the previous total of 5. This can be incredibly useful for helping to complete tough levels that require a lot of firepower, as it gives the player an extra set of bombs to work with and increases their chances of success


Extra 3 or 2 Bombs


If you manage to strike this symbol, you will get an additional three or two bombs as a bonus. This gives you an additional opportunity to win, since you now have an extra life.




On the whole map, the skull is the component that poses the most threat. If you hit the skull symbol, whatever wins you have will be canceled out, and you will no longer be able to play the game. There is still a chance that you will lose everything, despite the fact that you have previously sunk many ships. Because the skull position is the most significant source of potential loss in the game, you are required to make a decision on whether or not to cash out.



Chances and Multipliers

Armada is not like Plinko or AquaRings or Teleport in that the danger levels of the game cannot be adjusted. The levels of danger involved in each round of the game are the same. The game board is revealed at the conclusion of each round, at which point you may determine where each ship or skull is located. It is essential to have a good understanding of the multiplier that is granted for each phase. After destroying a ship, you will be given the opportunity to Cashout, as was just explained.

  1. 1x Ship - 1.3x
  2. 2x Ship - 1.7x
  3. 3x Ship - 2.4x
  4. 4x Ship - 5x

To earn the maximum possible victory in the game, it is necessary to sink all of the ships that are accessible. This game has a maximum win multiplier of seventy times. The maximum profit, which is the same as other mini games, is 10,000 dollars. To earn the maximum possible victory in the game, it is necessary to sink all of the ships that are accessible. This game has a maximum win multiplier of seventy times. The maximum profit, which is the same as other mini games, is 10,000 dollars.

MyStake Armada - Thoughts and Reviews

After getting a good deal of practice with the Armada game, we are confident in asserting that it is without a doubt one of the most enjoyable miniature games that can be played anywhere in the globe. The game is not entirely a game of luck, as opposed to some of the other minigames, and your choices and techniques will have an effect on the result of the game. It's an exceptional opportunity. There is not another casino game that requires players to use their skills. Armada is mostly considered to be a game of skill due to the fact that, on sometimes, you will be one hundred percent certain of the location of the next component of the ship. You have a one in ten chance of missing the target, but because you can readily examine every corner of the target, you can safely believe that the remaining piece is an integral component of the ship. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance and a fantastic opportunity to utilize your reasoning to your advantage.


Play Armada Game


The game is at its best enjoyable when it has a healthy dose of both skill and chance. Armada has emerged as a top choice for many gamers all around the globe in a short amount of time. The stuff that the Tiktok and Instagram influencers, Youtubers, and bloggers create by testing themselves in this game is aggressively published on all of those platforms since it makes for such great content. The game is one that we feel strongly about recommending to others.

Chicken Minigame

Chicken Minigame


One may play the mini-game known as Mystake Casino Chicken Minigame at a number of different online casinos. In the event that you make a mistake, you will be required to forfeit your bet, and the game will come to an end. You will be awarded with a payment that is determined by the odds of the game if you are able to successfully perform the assignment.

Mystake Casino Chicken is a fun and engaging game that gives players the opportunity to win significant rewards for just a modest initial wager. Because you'll need to pay careful attention to the work at hand in order to succeed. This activity is also a fantastic method to put your ability to concentrate and pay attention to detail to the test.

The chicken game is one of those games that may be played with very little effort. Realizing how fortunate you are and enjoying the rush of adrenaline. That comes with taking risks are the two most important aspects of this endeavor. Who among us can determine for certain where Chicken has hidden herself away within the dome? That is the degree of challenge that the activity is going to give to the people who are playing the game.

How to Play Mystake Casino Chicken Minigame?

In order to participate in Mystake Casino Chicken Minigame, you will first need to make a wager on the game itself. The game will then show a job for you to accomplish. Such as matching a sequence of symbols or pushing a button in response to a prompt. Once you have finished the assignment, you will go on to the next part of the game. In order to be the victor in this competition, you will need to do the work without making any errors. The game could also consist of a number of stages or rounds each of which is progressively more challenging than the one that came before it.

In the event that you make a mistake, you will be required to forfeit your bet, and the game will come to an end. You will be awarded with a payment that is determined by the odds of the game if you are able to successfully perform the assignment. The level of difficulty of the assignment, in addition to the size of your wager will determine the amount that you get.

Play Chicken Game


What is a Chicken Mini Game?

The term "chicken mini game" refers to a scaled-down and more concentrated version of the classic "chicken game". Which is often included as part of another, more comprehensive game or activity on casinos not on gamstop. You can find Chicken minigames at online casinos, in mobile games, and even in certain console and PC games. These games are a fun way to add a bit of a challenge and a sense of excitement to your gaming experience. It is common practice to compete in chicken minigames for the opportunity to win real-world prizes or in-game incentives. In order to be successful in chicken minigames, players may need to successfully complete a series of tasks or challenges without making any errors.

These challenges might be as easy as hitting a button or matching symbols. Or they can be more complicated and need skill and strategy to complete. Mini chicken games are a fun and exciting method to test your ability to concentrate and pay attention to detail. They may also serve as a nice respite from the activity or game that is the primary focus of attention.

Benefits of Playing Mystake Casino Chicken minigame

One of the many wonderful features of Mystake Casino Chicken is that it is an action-packed game. That can be picked up and played with relative ease. It is appropriate for players of all skill levels, since the objectives are simple enough for newcomers yet complex enough for more seasoned players to find them interesting and engaging. Because the game can be played by without difficulty on a wide range of devices. Such as computers, tablets, and smartphones, it may be enjoyed without difficulty at any time and in any location.

Players who are searching for the excitement of gambling but don't want to fully commit to a full casino game will find that Mystake Casino Chicken is an excellent option. This game is popular for its ease of use and its convenience. It is a pleasant and thrilling method to test one's luck and the possibility of winning large rewards without the danger of losing a significant amount of one's own money.

However, earning rewards is not the only objective of Mystake Casino Chicken Minigame. Because you will need to pay careful attention to the work at hand in order to succeed. It is also a fantastic approach to develop your ability to concentrate and pay attention to detail. This has the potential to be an excellent method for enhancing your general performance at online casinos. As well as honing your existing talents.


Play Chicken Game


Chicken Win Strategies: How To Win?

There are a variety of strategies that have been employed by YouTubers, TikTok influencers, or MyStake highrollers. All of which are accessible on the internet and can be found where it was described before. On the other hand, we have made the decision to provide you with a comprehensive guide that includes not only our own method but also each of the other techniques

After a failed bet, place a larger one.

If you choose the bones with a number that is more than 10, your chances of winning are very low. When you've already unlocked a few tiles, it's going to be incredibly tough to open any more of them after that. The objective of this strategy is to fail miserably at the first three or four trials by placing little bets on 10 bones. With the expectation of achieving a significant victory on the fifth attempt. Although it is not a guaranteed thing, high rollers have found it to be successful enough that they may profit over $5,000 in a single game with bets of $100 EUR as the multiplayer level climbs. This is possible with bets of $100 EUR.

Martingale Strategy for the Chicken Game

The Martingale system is a well-known way to wager money. It is efficient with almost all of the casino games, including Chicken, which is not an exception. This strategy comprises increasing your previous bet on losing rounds and restarting the game with a single Euro stake at the beginning of each round going forward. In this scenario, the amount of each new bet you place is equivalent to the sum of all previous wagers. And you will be in the black financially if you are able to pay out at a rate of two times or more what you take in. In addition to this, it is common practice for Chicken to offer multiplayer sessions with two people or more. To complete the quest, you must first open at least three domes and then choose four bones.

Pick 24 Bones is the plan of attack.

If you play the chicken game and pick 24 bones during one of the rounds, it means that there is precisely one chicken and 24 bones spread over the whole grid. There is a slim possibility that you will be successful in locating the chicken, despite your best efforts. However, the multiplication by guessing order might reach 24.75! The odds of winning are just 24 out of 25, which is 96%. You read it correctly; you have a total of 24 opportunities to do it properly. If it takes you 24 attempts until you find a chicken, you will have broken even.

It's possible that you'll choose the appropriate dome on the very first attempt. One further piece of guidance that we can provide is for you to always use the same tile. Because bone is constantly shifting in its position, any one of these approaches is quite likely to be successful.

Open only one of the domes as a strategy.

You are free to walk away from Chicken at any moment. The number of bones may be adjusted to suit your needs. The participants in a standard strategy game will each choose a single bone and break the shell of a single bird. This scenario gives you a multiplier of 1.03x. But almost certainly ensures that you'll come out on top since you have a probability of winning that is equal to or greater than 96% (24/25). For example, if you bet 100 Euros on each round of the game, you will earn an additional 3 Euros with each new game round. But the likelihood of winning is already quite high.


In conclusion, the Mystake Casino Chicken minigame is a pleasant and interesting activity that players of any respectable online casino may take part in and enjoy. Because the gameplay is so basic, and because there is the potential to earn substantial prizes. It will undoubtedly provide a great lot of entertainment and excitement. Why then should we wait? Try your hand at the Chicken game at Mystake Casino right now to see whether or not you have what it takes to emerge victorious from the competition.


Play Chicken Game




An Overview of the Dino Mystake Mini Game

Dino Minigame

It is possible to play the famous minigame known as Dino Mystake on a variety of websites and web browsers. It is a straightforward yet compulsive game that has garnered a great deal of attention from players of a wide range of ages. Dino is among one of the most well-known crash games with others like as JetX, Aviator, Crash, and Blast. The gameplay is, for the most part, identical; however, the MyStake Dino has a return to player percentage of is 96%, which is the greatest attainable.

There are a number of different online casino brands, including MyStake, that provide the Dino Crash Minigame. You can have a good time playing this game with the many bonuses that online casino offers. MyStake will give you 10 free runs on Dino regardless of the amount of money you deposit. And they will also give you a 100% welcome bonus for playing minigames, which will boost your chances of winning.

In this post, we will take a more in-depth look at the game, discussing its various aspects as well as the gameplay itself.

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How to Play Dino at Mystake?

To play in Dino Mystake, all you want is a computer or any gadget that comes equipped with a browser application. Simply doing a search on the internet for the game will lead you to a website. Where you will be able to launch the game and start playing it right away. The objective of the game is to safely navigate the dinosaur through a series of stages. While simultaneously increasing the distance it has gone across the board.

It's not hard to pick up and play Dino. As a player, you have the responsibility of placing a wager before the Dino begins its race. The sum that may be wagered might range anywhere from 0.2 to 1000 EUR or USD. Keep in mind that you may make two separate wagers on each Dino run. The goal of the game is to collect your winnings as quickly as possible before the meteor hits Dino. You may prevent yourself from wasting time by pressing the Cashout button by setting the auto collect function to a certain multiplayer amount. The amount of the player's wager is multiplied by the Dino Multiplayer. And the player's account is credited with the sum that results from this multiplication. You will lose your stake if the Dino explodes before you are able to Cashout.

Use the up arrow key to make the dinosaur jump, and use the down arrow key to make it duck. When you want the dinosaur to jump, use the up arrow key. When the dinosaur is racing across the desert setting of the game. It has to avoid hazards like cactuses and pterodactyls as it travels over the landscape. The more you get in the game, the faster the tempo will pick up, and the higher the amount of challenges you will have to overcome.

Features of Dino Mystake:

One of the most appealing aspects of Dino Mystake is the game's antique aesthetic. Which you can found in both the game's images and its sound effects. Pixelated and 8 bits in size, the game's visuals give the game an aesthetic. That is reminiscent of previous video games from the 1980s and 1990s. The video game has an old-school vibe to it, which is emphasized by the many sound effects, such as the chirping of birds and the roaring of the dinosaur.

The fact that the game is avaliable several times is one of the many enticing aspects of the product as a whole. Each time you play, you have to start from the very beginning. And the game becomes progressively more difficult as you work your way through it. Because of this, you may keep playing the game and try to beat your previous high score. Making it a great option for those who want to test the boundaries of their capabilities.

Play Dino Game

How can I improve my chances of success in Dino?

Professional players use a wide variety of methods to maximize their chances of winning on Dino. No matter how well you plan, you should know that none of these methods can guarantee success. Some of the most well-known methods used by MyStake players may be found on Dino.

Auto Cashout on Dino will secure your bet.

You have the ability, inside the "Dino Minigame," to choose the amount of money that will be automatically collected whenever you place a bet on a "Dino Run." Having the opportunity to place two bets on each round due to the fact that there are two buttons. First, you should diversify your risk by betting on something else. If you wish to place two different bets on the same Dino Run, you may do so with a total stake of 10 USD/EUR by setting the auto collect to 1.2 and spending an extra 2 EUR. This will bring the total bet amount to 10 USD/EUR.

As a result of the Dino's poor performance in multiplayer, there is a significant chance that its scaling will be more than 1.2x. When you win €2 from a 1.2x multiplayer game that pays out €10 automatically, this means that your other €2 investment is secure and that you have not lost any money. If you have a bet that is secure, you can relax and concentrate on Dino making the highest possible leap without being concerned about the possibility of losing your money.

Don't risk after a great victory.

Due to the fact that the RTP system is in place in crash games, many players opt out of playing a few more rounds after the multiplayer has reached a significant quantity (100x or more). People have the misconception that the game would steal money from players by exploding on a tiny multiplayer amount after it has distributed a huge win amount in order to balance out the RTP and earn back players' investment. After a significant win, you have the option of bypassing the first one to two Dino runs. This will avoid the issue.

Use the Martingale System and double your wager on Dino

The Martingale betting strategy, which is among the most well-known in the world. May be used to any casino game, including the Dino Minigame. The Martingale betting method is entirely unconstrained in online casinos. Despite the fact that it is illegal in land-based casinos all over the world that use physical betting mechanisms. You have the opportunity to use the Martingale Strategy within the context of the Dino Minigame.

The Martingale System is a kind of betting strategy in which players increase the amount of their stake after each round of play. When playing Dino, we recommend that the auto multiplayer option be raised from its default value of 2.01. That at least one Euro be spent. If you lose a round, you should raise your bet by two Euros. Then by four Euros, then by eight Euros, then by twenty-two Euros, and so on.

If you land on the Win symbol, you will get a payment that is more than the total of all of your prior bets. After each triumph, you will have to start again at the beginning of the game with one euro. The only significant drawback of using this strategy is the possibility of throwing off your balance before a given round is through. To rub salt in the wound, you may only increase your wager by a factor of two a total of thirty times before hitting the maximum bet of one thousand Euros. Nevertheless, after 32 rounds, your chances of winning are significantly increasing.

The Dino NFT

A card for the NFT game that features the Dino Character has been designed. Within the MyStake gaming platform, there is a collection of utility NFTs that may be used to earn prizes. Mystake created this NFT. On MyStake, each of the four NFT characters—Dino, Chicken, Professor, and Yeti—has his or her own unique minigame. When you have one of these NFTs in your possession, you are eligible for a multitude of privileges. Such as increased limitations on the amount of money you may withdraw, participation in private tournaments, and more. Please visit NFTmystake.com if you need any more information.

Conclusion of Dino Mystake minigame:

In conclusion, the minigame known as Dino Mystake is a pleasantly engaging activity that is also compulsively played. It is especially for players of a wide range of ages. Because of its time-honored aesthetics and musical effects. In addition to the fact that you can playe several times, it is a fantastic choice for a gaming experience. That is not only quick but also pleasurable. If you haven't already, you should give the game Dino Mystake a go and see how far you can persuade the dinosaur to run in one of its races if this is your first time playing it.

Play Dino Minigame


Plinko Minigame at Mystake

Plinko Minigame at Mystake

Players from all around the world have shown a significant amount of interest in the mini game known as Plinko Mystake, which can be found at online casinos. A game of skill and luck, despite its seeming simplicity, can quickly become highly addicting. In the following paragraphs, we will take a more in-depth look at the game, its components, and the manner in which it is played at an online casino.

This game is a digital update of a classic that first appeared on "The Price is Right" during the season that aired in 1983. It should come as no surprise that the pachinko machines seen in Japan served as a source of inspiration for that.

Plinko's guidelines are so simple even a child could follow them. The winner of the competition is determined by rolling a ball through a maze of pins and into one of numerous boxes.

Plinko is an enjoyable casino game with simple rules that, as a result of the game's high degree of volatility, can result in significant jackpots. With a return to player (RTP) that ranges from 98% to 99%, Plinko is consistently ranked as one of the most lucrative games to ever grace the gaming floor of a casino.

In this post, we will discuss in more depth how to play the Plinko game as well as the many methods that may be used when we are engaged in the activity of playing this game.


Play Plinko



Playing Plinko Mystake can be done using a mobile application or a web browser. Players have the option of playing the game for free or for real money, and they may access it from either their desktop computer or their mobile device.

In order for players to participate in the game at an online casino, they first need to locate a casino that provides the game and register for an account there. After making a deposit, players will be able to locate Plinko Mystake in the game library of the online casino.

The purpose of the game is to play by dropping a little metal ball from the top of a game board and attempting to land it in one of the prize slots that are located at the bottom of the board. As the ball rolls down the board, it will encounter a number of pegs, which it will have the opportunity to deflect off of.

Players start the game by clicking the "play" button and deciding how many balls they wish to drop before making their selection. After then, the ball will fall from the top of the game board and bounce off of the pegs as it makes its descent. The ball will inevitably fall into one of the prize slots, at which point the players will be awarded the prize that corresponds to that slot.


Features of Plinko

One of the most notable aspects of Plinko Mystake Minigame is how easy it is to pick up and get started playing the game. The game is really simple to understand, and there are no complicated controls to memorize. Simply clicking the "play" button and choosing the desired amount of balls to drop is all that is required of the players.

Plinko Mystake also has high-quality visuals and audio effects throughout the game. The game board and the metal ball both have an engaging design and are animated, and the game's sound effects, such as the clinking sound made by the ball when it bounces off the pegs, contribute to the game's immersive ambiance.

The fact that Plinko Mystake may be played several times is another another one of its many appealing qualities. The game includes a vast number of reward slots, and the path that the ball takes after being dropped might change in a major way with each new drop. This enables players to go through the motions of the game more than once and test out a variety of tactics in an effort to get the ball into the slots for the most lucrative prizes.

Play Plinko


How to Play Plinko Mystake Minigame

In order for players at an online casino to participate in Plinko Mystake, they will first need to sign up for an account at a casino that provides the opportunity to play the game. After making a deposit, players will be able to locate Plinko Mystake in the game library of the online casino.

Players need to pick the quantity of balls they wish to drop and then click the "play" button to begin the game. After then, the ball will descend from the top of the game board and bounce off of the pegs as it makes its descent. The ball will inevitably fall into one of the reward slots, at which point the players will be awarded the prize that corresponds to that slot.

After then, the player has the option of collecting their earnings or continuing to play in the hope of landing the ball in one of the more lucrative reward slots.

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Plinko Mystake at an online casino:

• It is important to pay attention to the odds associated with each reward spot. If you want to increase your chances of winning a prize, you should attempt to aim for the reward slots that have the highest odds of winning.

• Try out various drop points in your experiments. Because the path the ball takes after being dropped may be considerably altered by the location from where it is launched, you should experiment with a variety of drop locations to see which one is most effective for you.

• Keep an eye out for extras and power-ups. It is in your best interest to get as many of them as you can, since they may improve your odds of winning or the value of the prizes you receive.

• Make sure you keep an eye on the leaderboard. This might give you an idea of how your score compares to that of other players and what you need to do in order to improve it.

• Give playing for real money some thought. Free play of the game may be entertaining in its own right, but wagering real money on it adds a new dimension of intensity to the experience and has the potential to result in larger payouts. Be careful to gamble in a responsible manner and never risk more money than you can afford to lose at any one time.

• Have fun! Plinko Mystake is an easy game, but it may quickly become addicting, so try not to take it too seriously and just have fun with it.

Strategies for Plinko

Here are a few strategies to consider when playing Plinko Minigame at Mystake:

• Make it your goal to land in one of the reward slots that has the greatest odds. You should make it a goal to get the ball into these slots as often as you can since they have a better chance of paying off.

• Try out various drop points in your experiments. Because the path the ball takes after being dropped may be considerably altered by the location from where it is launched, you should experiment with a variety of drop locations to see which one is most effective for you.

• Keep an eye out for extras and power-ups. It is in your best interest to get as many of them as you can, since they may improve your odds of winning or the value of the prizes you receive.

• Make sure you keep an eye on the leaderboard. This might give you an idea of how your score compares to that of other players and what you need to do in order to improve it.

• Don't be scared to take chances. Even if you have to give up some of your balls in order to achieve your goal of winning a prize with higher odds, it may be worthwhile to do so on occasion. Be sure to give thorough consideration to both the potential benefits and drawbacks.

• Have fun! Plinko Mystake is an easy game, but it may quickly become addicting, so try not to take it too seriously and just have fun with it.

In summing up, Plinko Mystake is a well-liked minigame that is offered only by online casinos and has a one-of-a-kind combination of skill and chance. Because it is easy to play as well as having visuals and sound effects that are immersive, it provides players with an experience that is both fun and interesting. The game has a high degree of replayability and may provide players the opportunity to win significant sums of money because to its replayability and its different reward slots. Plinko Mystake is a game that is enjoyable and thrilling, and it is definitely worth checking out no matter how much experience you have playing casino games or how new you are to the world of online gambling. Be careful to gamble in a responsible manner and never risk more money than you can afford to lose at any one time.


Play Plinko



Mystake Casino Promo Code

Mystake Casino Promo Code

MyStake actively gives away promotional codes to its players. The most common form of awarding a promo code is a sign-up promo code. A promotional code can be used to activate the no-deposit bonus or the welcome bonus.


Welcome Offer Promo Code for MyStake Casino

  •        Click the Sign-UpUp button at MyStake Casino.
  •        Put our promo code in the corresponding box.
  •        Get welcome bonuses of as much as 170%
  •     MyStake promo codes are classified into two types: no-deposit promo codes and deposit promo codes.


MyStake Promotions


What is No Deposit Promo Code

On MyStake, putting a No Deposit Promo Code into action is really simple. You should actively keep an eye on Mystake's social channels such as Telegram, Discord, and Twitter in order to acquire a promo code. After obtaining a promotional code, you should go to the "gifts with promo code" section of your account and enter the code there. You are greeted by a flashy pop-up window that provides you with all of the information! You will find information on how to use a promotional code at the conclusion of this article. By using the promo code you have a great chance to play different games without a deposit and test them for free. Continue to be with us!


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What is Deposit Promo Code

The Deposit Promo Code is exactly the same as the one that requires no deposit; the only difference is that a deposit is required in order for you to be eligible for the offer. You have the option to pre-enter the promotional code in order to verify that it is still active, and after that, you can make a deposit of the needed amount in order to get the presents! So when you make a deposit it is your chance to gain different kinds of gifts, you should only follow the news and catch the right time!


MyStake Promo Code

Using the MyStake Promo Code will enable you to play a variety of games for free as soon as you sign up for the service. Where can I locate one of these? In that very spot! You can find promotional codes for MyStake Casino on our Bonus page. So when the new promo code has been announced you have a great chance to gain free rounds of various games. Keep an eye on our news and check our promotion page often.


MyStake Promotions


Games with promo code - free bets

The majority of the time, MyStake will give you free bets on Minigames and Sportsbook in exchange for a promotion code. A promotional code may be redeemed on mystake for anywhere from five to ten free bets, each of which is worth one Euro and may be used on games like Chicken, Plinko, Dino, Icefield, Aqua Rings, and Teleport, among others. If you are a bettor on sports, you could be interested in a sports-free bet that does not require any wagering requirements but must adhere to these straightforward guidelines: must have at least three different events, each of which must have a minimum odd value of 1.3. In the event that you come out on top, the amount of the free wager will be subtracted from the total amount that you win, and the remaining funds will be added to your balance.


No Deposit Bonuses offered by MyStake Casino

A promotional code from MyStake can be obtained in a variety of different ways. Keeping an eye on their various social networks is by far the most prevalent approach. MyStake hosts contests, quizzes, and giveaways throughout its social media channels, including Instagram, Telegram, and Discord. The victors receive discount codes for a variety of different games as their prizes.

A bonus that does not need a player to make an initial deposit in order to collect it is referred to as a "no deposit bonus." These kinds of promos are typically devised in order to entice new players and familiarize them with the casino brand in question. Following trying their luck with the promotional code, players are free to determine whether or not they want to continue playing at the location after there are no commitments to do so. The vast majority of the time, rollover or wagering limitations are attached to no-deposit bonuses that are made accessible. However, there have been instances of players who have won thousands thanks to a promotional code and then withdrawn their winnings. Remember that the free bets you get with promo codes are only gifts, and their primary purpose is to allow you to try out the game.

The question of whether or not the No Deposit Bonus Promo Code can be utilized on many occasions is the one that is questioned the most frequently. No is the straightforward response to the question. You are free to register two different accounts, but the Free Bet Win amount will not be applied to any of them until the verification process has been finished on the respective accounts. As a result, because you are not a confirmed player, you will not be able to play or withdraw the amount that you won from the free bet. You will not be able to authenticate two accounts using the details of a single individual. It is possible that if the website discovers that you have created several accounts, you will be permanently banned from using the website. Because of this, we strongly advise that you do not attempt to do so.

MyStake Casino stands out as one of the greatest casinos in the globe in terms of the bonuses they give. There are a few other kinds of Welcome Bonuses available, including the Casino Welcome Bonus, the Sports Welcome Bonus, the Minigames Welcome Bonus, and the Esports Welcome Bonus. However, the offer is available for more than just signing up; there is a 10% cashback bonus for each and every cryptocurrency deposit! Users of Sports are overjoyed to have the opportunity to receive a 30% Sports Reload Bonus on any deposit they make.

In the event that a new player makes a deposit using cryptocurrency, MyStake awards them with a record-breaking 170% deposit bonus. 170%? You read that correctly; you can make a deposit of 600 EUR to bring your total balance up to 1500 EUR. The fact that there are no extra limits and the rollover requirement can be satisfied by wagering on any casino game of your choice is the most crucial aspect of this offer.

The other incentive that is one of a kind is a free bet of 3+1 on MyStake. The following is how this bonus can be redeemed: You should wager on three different sporting events in a row. You will receive an additional free bet with an amount that is equal to the arithmetic mean of the sums wagered in the most recent three rounds. Players who enjoy placing bets on sports will find this to be of tremendous assistance. The amount won is immediately available for withdrawal, and there are no wagering requirements attached to it.


Activate Promocode


How to activate promo code on MyStake

Therefore, if you have already located a promotional code on MyStake but are unsure of how to put it into effect, this instruction manual is for you.

In point of fact, the procedure is quite simple. You have the option of activating the promotional code either during the registration process or after you have already become a member. You don't need to worry if you missed entering the promotional code during the registration process because you can still use the same code at a later time.

After you have activated your promotional code, the next step is to enter a game that the code was given for and change the balance from actual balance to free spin balance, as depicted in the photo. This must be done before you may use your free spins.


After you have changed the balance to Free bets, you will be required to play through all of the free bets on the game that you initially started playing. For instance, if you begin your game by wagering on Dino, you should use all five of your free bets on Dino. After you have used all 5 of your free spins, the total amount that you have won will be added as an actionable bonus in the part of your account devoted to bonuses. It is important to keep in mind that in order to activate it, you will first need to be VERIFIED.

When you have finished activating your bonus, you may then begin playing in order to fulfil the rollover requirements! Take advantage of the MyStake Promo Codes!

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How To Deposit and Withdraw Crypto on MyStake?

How to Deposit on MyStake: A Guide to the Best Methods

Depositing money into your account can sometimes be a confusing and stressful process, especially if you're not familiar with the various methods available. Whether you're trying to deposit funds using your bank account, Crypto, or simply trying to pay via terminal, there are many different options to choose from. In this article, we'll review every major deposit method, explain how to use them, and highlight their history and advantages.


Deposit Methods


Cryptocurrency: The Safest and Most Convenient Option

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin are digital currencies that use cryptography for secure financial transactions. Using cryptocurrency for your online casino deposits has a number of advantages. First and foremost, it is a highly secure method of payment. Cryptocurrencies use complex algorithms and decentralized networks to protect against fraud and tampering, making them much safer than traditional payment methods. In addition, cryptocurrency transactions are fast and efficient, allowing you to make deposits and start playing your favorite games almost instantly.

Another advantage of using cryptocurrency for your casino deposits is the anonymity it provides. With traditional payment methods, your personal and financial information is often shared with third parties, which can leave you vulnerable to identity theft and other forms of fraud. With cryptocurrency, your personal information is kept private, as all transactions are recorded on a decentralized, public ledger called the blockchain.

Finally, cryptocurrency is a highly convenient payment method, as it can be accessed from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. This means you can make deposits and withdraw winnings from your online casino account at any time, regardless of where you are located.

At MyStake, we prefer using cryptocurrency for all of our deposits and withdrawals. We believe it is the safest, most convenient, and most secure method of payment available. So if you're ready to start playing your favorite casino games, consider using cryptocurrency for all of your financial transactions. We will tell you how to create Crypto account and deposit using Cryptocurrency.


Other Deposit Methods: Bank Transfers, Credit and Debit Cards, and Digital Payment Platforms

One of the most common methods of depositing money into MyStake is through a bank transfer. This can be done online and involves transferring funds from your personal bank account into your casino account. This can be done by filling deposit form on the Deposits Page of Mystake.

Bank transfers are typically very secure, and can be completed quickly, depending on the bank and the location of the recipient account.

Another popular deposit method is the use of credit or debit cards. These cards are issued by banks and financial institutions, and can be used to make payments or withdraw from MyStake. Credit cards allow you to borrow money from the issuer, while debit cards allow you to spend money that you already have in your account. Both types of cards are widely accepted at merchants and online retailers, and can be a convenient way to make deposits. This method is only available in some countries and is done by filling the form with credit card information.

In addition to bank transfers and credit/debit cards, there are also a number of digital payment platforms that can be used for depositing funds. These include popular options like PayPal, Venmo, and Skrill, which allow you to send and receive money electronically. These platforms are often free to use, and can be accessed via a web browser or a smartphone app. Form content depends on the method you are using, for example, Skrill deposit form only requires your email and amount.

Finally, there are a number of alternative deposit methods that may be available depending on your location. These can include things like money orders, wire transfers, and cashier's checks. These methods may be more expensive or time-consuming than the options mentioned above, but can be useful in certain situations.

In conclusion, there are many different methods available for depositing funds, each with their own unique benefits and drawbacks. By understanding the options available to you, and choosing the right method for your needs, you can make depositing money into your account a simple and stress-free process.


How to Choose the Best Deposit Method for MyStake

With so many different deposit methods available, it can be tough to know which one is the best choice for you. Here are a few things to consider when making your decision:

  • Security: If security is your top priority, we recommend using cryptocurrency for your MyStake deposits. Cryptocurrencies are highly secure, and provide an extra layer of protection against fraud and identity theft.
  • Convenience: If you value convenience above all else, digital payment platforms like PayPal, Venmo, and Skrill may be the best choice. These platforms allow you to make deposits quickly and easily, and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection.
  • Fees: Be sure to consider the fees associated with each deposit method. Some options, like bank transfers and credit/debit cards, may have higher fees than others.
  • Availability: Finally, make sure to check the availability of each deposit method in your location. Some options, like cryptocurrency and digital payment platforms, may be more widely available than others.


Deposit on MyStake


How to Deposit using Cryptocurrency?

Choose a cryptocurrency exchange: In order to use cryptocurrency for your online casino deposits, you'll first need to purchase some digital currency. You can do this through a cryptocurrency exchange, which is a platform that allows you to buy, sell, and trade different types of cryptocurrency. There are many different exchanges to choose from, but it's important to do your research and select one that is reputable and secure.

Open a cryptocurrency wallet: Once you've purchased your desired cryptocurrency, you'll need a place to store it. This is where a cryptocurrency wallet comes in. A wallet is a digital storage device that allows you to hold and manage your cryptocurrency. There are many different types of wallets available, including software wallets, hardware wallets, and paper wallets. Choose the one that best meets your needs and follow the instructions for setting it up.

Select your desired cryptocurrency: Once you've set up your wallet, you'll need to select the specific type of cryptocurrency you want to use for your deposit. MyStake accepts a variety of different cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and others. Choose the one that you have purchased and are storing in your wallet.

Initiate the deposit: Now it's time to initiate the actual deposit. Log in to your online casino account and navigate to the Deposit page. From here, you should see a list of available deposit methods. Select cryptocurrency that you have stored in your wallet as your desired method. There you will see the address of you MyStake account. Copy the address and paste it in Withdrawal Address field in your Wallet, then choose available network and amount.

This video tutorial shows how to deposit using Cryptocurrency - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooz6BxnAaqs


How to Deposit using Card?

*For this example we are going to use MasterCard option, but the process is very similar with other forms as well.

First, choose a card you want to use for deposit, let’s say it is a Master Card, you should go to Profile > Deposit Money and find the MasterCard option, when we open up the option we will see field, where we should input amount of money we want to deposit and click “Submit” button.

It will take us to a new page, where we should input all our card details and click Proceed button.

mystake withdrawal

Card Deposits usually take 10-15 minutes, depending on the Bank which is connected with card. Also, please keep in mind that this method is not available on every country.

How to withdraw from MyStake?

Before making the withdrawal on MyStake you should make sure that your account is verified. If you have deposited using Crypto and trying to Withdraw via it as well you will only need to verify your identity, in any other case, you will have to verify Address and Used card as well. Let’s now get deeper into withdrawals, which methods does MyStake offers and how to use them.


Withdrawal Methods



Skrill is an electronic payment system that allows you to make online payments and transfers securely. It is a popular choice for online casino deposits and withdrawals, as it is fast, convenient, and easy to use. In order to use Skrill for your MyStake withdrawals, you'll need to create a Skrill account, select Skrill as your withdrawal method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.

skrill withdrawal mystake


Neteller is another electronic payment system that is widely accepted at online casinos, including MyStake. It offers fast and secure transactions, as well as a range of other features, such as the ability to make cross-border payments and access to a prepaid debit card. To use Neteller for your MyStake withdrawals, you'll need to create a Neteller account and select Neteller as your withdrawal method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.


SWIFT is a global network that enables banks and financial institutions to send and receive financial messages securely. It is often used for international wire transfers, including those made to and from online casino accounts. To use SWIFT for your MyStake withdrawals, select SWIFT as your withdrawal method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.


SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) is a payment system that enables individuals and businesses within the European Union to make and receive electronic payments in Euros. It is a fast and convenient way to make casino withdrawals, especially for those located within the EU. To use SEPA for your MyStake withdrawals, you'll need to select SEPA as your withdrawal method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.


Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that uses cryptography for secure financial transactions. It is a popular choice for online casino deposits and withdrawals, as it offers fast and secure transactions with low fees. To use Bitcoin for your MyStake withdrawals, you'll need to have a Bitcoin wallet, select Bitcoin as your withdrawal method and follow the prompts to complete the transaction.



How To Verify Your Account on MyStake

MyStake Account Verification

Are you ready to experience the thrill of successful verification and withdrawal on MyStake? Then buckle up and follow these simple steps to make sure your account is verified and you can make a smooth withdrawal. It is the easiest verification you can imagine.


Why Should I Verify My Account on MyStake?

According to MyStake’s Terms and Conditions, each player must verify their accounts before any withdrawal to avoid the risk of duplicate accounts and other potential threats. Great example of such treats are Bonus Hunters, accounts, which use bonuses to look for profit usually end up blocked. MyStake system analyzes data and detects bonus hunters. Usually bonus hunters end up blocked, but in some cases they might only lose possibility to use bonuses in the future.

The good news is that the verification process on MyStake is a breeze, thanks to their use of Sumsub's AI for KYC verifications. To get started, simply head to your profile and navigate to the verification page. Here, you'll need to complete a few mandatory steps, including verifying your identity by uploading a photo of your ID and taking a selfie, and possibly also verifying your address by uploading a utility bill or other official document. Don't worry if you're not sure which documents to provide - the MyStake team will guide you through the process and let you know if any additional documents are needed.

How to Verify MyStake Account?

Before withdrawal you should verify your MyStake accounts, you can do so by following these steps:


1.    Verify your identity by uploading an image of your ID, Passport or Driver’s License and take a selfie with built in system.

2.    Scan or take the picture of a Utility Bill (Electricity, Internet etc.) your full name and address should be visible on the page, system only accepts documents which were issued in the last 90 days. Also, it’s necessary for all 4 corners of the paper to appear in the picture.

3.    Wait for an approval which takes few minutes.



·         Mail verification – Mail verification is the easiest step of verification which only takes few seconds. You should input the code you receive on the email in the verification Form.

·         Identity verification* – you should upload either ID, Passport or Driver’s License and then take a selfie in built in live camera. This step of verification is necessary for any type of withdrawal.

·         Address verification – Scan or take the picture of a Utility Bill (Electricity, Internet etc.) your full name and address should be visible on the page, this step of verification is necessary if you want to Deposit / Withdraw with cards (Debit, Credit)

·         Card Verification – If you use Visa. Mastercard, or any other card, you need to verify your card as well. This step is only necessary if you want to Deposit and Withdraw using cards. KYC Department will contact you after you request the withdrawal and provide you with details of verification.


Mail Verification

The first and easiest verification requirement is mail verification, which requires a single click. It’s essential that you use the correct email address while registering on MyStake, as we often send new offers, promotions, verification details and other important information there.

Proof of Identity

The second part of verification is your Proof of Identity. As mentioned above, MyStake uses Sumsub’s Artificial Intelligence verification program for KYC verifications. You should attach a photo of your ID, Passport or a Driver’s License. The document should be valid and your age should meet MyStake’s requirements (+18). Make sure that you take a good quality picture. It’s better if you use a solid background for your picture. Make sure that all corners of the document fit in the camera frame. After that, you should take a selfie, which is done by automated built in camera. If you follow steps for selfie verification it will take you less than 20 seconds to verify.

Proof of address

The next and maybe most challenging part of the verification is the Proof of Address verification at Mystake. It is required if you use bank transfer as a withdrawal method.

You can verify your identity with following documents: Bank Statement, Utility Bill, or any official government-issued document that was issued within the last 90 days, mentions your Full Name and Address. The document can be issued on any language. 

Please keep in mind, that Sumsub AI verification program doesn’t accept Screenshots, Mobile phone bills, Medical bills, receipts and Insurance statements.

After Completing these steps, you should wait few minutes for system to review your documents and Approve / Reject them. You will get the icon and message next to the verification valley when the system finishes reviewing documents. If the system rejects your documents, it means that one of the provided documents were not valid, or quality of the document was very bad (unreadable characters).

mystake verification

Debit/Credit card verification on Mystake

After completing verification on MyStake, you can make a withdrawal request. However, there is one step left for those who are using Cards to make deposits / withdrawals. KYC department will request card verification and will contact you as to how to verify your cards.

If it’s a physical card, the process is very easy. You will just need back and front pictures while hiding the middle numbers and csv/cvv. If there is no name on card or you use a virtual card, you have to provide a card statement. (bank statement of the card where your name and card number will be visible) It’s very easy to get such a document from your payment provider by making a manual request.

In rare cases banks don’t provide such information. If this happens to you, you can contact our KYC department – [email protected] and send them the bank statement which contains payments with the card you want to verify. Add the text with the document, describing your situation, which will make the process faster as there will not be additional questions.

Another payment method Apple Pay. To put it simply, it is Masked Card Number (not the real one). If you are using Apple Pay, you just need to show the screenshot from the Apple pay where requested card is visible.

How to Withdraw Money from MyStake?

There are several withdrawal methods available on MyStake. Withdrawal methods may vary according to player’s location. We have bank transfer-SEPA, SWIFT, Interac, Skrill, Neteller, Ecopayz, PIX and Crypto payments.

As long as you’ve chosen your withdrawal method, the procedure is really simple:

·         Step 1: Log in to your account

·         Step 2: Go to your Profile > Withdraw

·         Step 3: Choose a withdrawal method

·         Step 4: Submit your destination address

·         Step 5: Click Withdraw and wait for an approval!


The fastest and the most stable withdrawal method is Crypto, which doesn’t require additional verifications.

Withdrawal Deadlines on MyStake: How Long Does it take to Withdraw?

According to MyStake’s Terms and Conditions, company can keep your withdrawal on hold for maximum of 3 working days. This time is required to review your account and accept the withdrawal if your account is verified. After withdrawal is accepted it takes some additional time to arrive. Crypto payments arrive within 5-10 minutes, while bank transfers might take up to few days.

VIP members of MyStake and NFT owners are privileged, thus their withdrawals are always on top of the list!

Learn more about how to become VIP on MyStake

Withdrawal Limits on MyStake

According to MyStake’s Terms and Conditions, maximum withdrawal amount is 7,500 EUR / USD per week and 15,000 EUR / USD per month. MyStake NFT owners and VIP users can have increased withdrawal limits.


Troubleshooting MyStake Error Messages: A Comprehensive Guide

Mystake Error Messages

Have you ever experienced frustration while playing on MyStake, only to be met with strange error messages like "Min. Odd," "Min. Bet," "Internal Error," or "Insufficient Funds?" These errors can be confusing and frustrating, but don't worry – we're here to help you understand what they mean and how to fix them.

Min. Odds Error on MyStake

First, let's start with the "Min. Odd" error. This error typically occurs when you are trying to place a bet on a sports game, and it means that your account is restricted by a bonus. For example, if you have an active 35% Sport Reload Bonus, you will need to bet on odds of at least 1.4. If any of the odds in your bet are lower than this threshold, you will receive a "Min. Odd" error.

min. odds mystake


Next, we have the "Min. Bet" error. This error occurs when you are trying to place a bet that is lower than the minimum bet amount, which is usually 0.20 USD. To fix this error, you can simply increase the size of your bet. There is also a similar error called the "Max. Bet" error, which occurs when you try to place a bet that is higher than the maximum bet amount allowed by your active bonus.

min. bet

Min. item count Error on MyStake

The "Min. Item Count" error is another error that occurs while betting on sports. This error is related to an active bonus and typically occurs when you have a Sports Reload Bonus and are trying to bet on less than the required number of markets in a single ticket. For example, if the bonus requires you to bet on at least two markets in a single ticket, and you try to place a bet with only one market, you will receive a "Min. Item Count" error.

min. item count

Combination Not Allowed Error on MyStake

The "Invalid Links" error occurs in the sportsbook and means that the bets you have made cannot be combined. This error will also state that the pick cannot be combined with the other one. To fix this error, you will need to change part of your bet.

invalid links mystake

Insufficient Funds Error on MyStake

The "Insufficient Funds" error is a straightforward one – it means that your balance is not sufficient to place the bet you are trying to make. To fix this error, you will need to lower the amount of your bet or add more funds to your account.

insufficient funds mystake

Bonus Invalid Item Type Error on MyStake

The "Bonus Invalid Item Type" error occurs when you are trying to use an active bonus to place a bet on a type of game or event that is not included in the bonus. For example, if you have an active Mini Games bonus, you will receive this error if you try to use it to place a bet on a sports game.

invalid item type mystake

Internal Error on Mystake

The "Internal Error" message can be confusing, as it can occur for a variety of reasons. One common reason for this error is trying to place a bet on a slot game while you have an active bonus that is not valid for that game. For example, if you have an active Mini Games bonus, you will receive an "Internal Error" message if you try to place a bet on a slot game. To fix this error, you will need to check the bonus page in your account (Profile > My Gifts > Bonus) and make sure you do not have an active bonus that does not allow you to play the game you are trying to bet on.

slot error mystake

Can't Make Bet in Minigames

Lastly, you may encounter the error message "Can't Make Bet in Minigames" while trying to play Mini Games. This error occurs when you have an active bonus that does not include Mini Games. To fix this error, you will need to either deactivate the bonus or choose a game that is included in the bonus.

Please contact Customer Support for assistance Error on Live Roulette.

This error also occurs, if you the active bonus, which doesn’t include the live games. Error message might differ on different provider’s games.

Where to find an Active Bonus?

You can check your active bonuses, their terms, wagering process and all the other details on your Profile > My Gifts > Bonus. This page gives you all the information you might need for completing bonus. It also saves cancelled and completed bonuses.

On this screenshot you can see how the Active and Canceled bonuses look and how to identify them. You can also see the Progress Bar, which fills up as you complete the bonus.

How to Cancel the Bonus?

In order to cancel the bonus, you should contact us via either Live Chat or E-mail. Support agents will let you know all the details about bonus cancellation or its progress.


Earn Money with MyStake Affiliate Program: A Step-by-Step Guide

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Interested to become a Casino Affiliate, but don’t know How things work out there? Noticed famous people making millions, being affiliated with different casinos? You can do the same!

Affiliate marketing is a promotion model through which a company or brand pays third-party publishers to develop traffic and demands for the company’s products and services.  There are a lot of affiliate marketing tactics where both sides – Company and Affiliates, get the benefits.

Most affiliates promote products and services by creating banner ads, and posts, sending emails to potential clients, publishing articles, images, videos, etc. That’s how they reach the people who are looking for casino and don’t know where to play.


How Does an Affiliate Get Paid?

Affiliate marketers get a commission by referring customers to brands/companies where they make investments. Same system works for Casino Affiliate models. The commission ranges differently, depending on the company/brand and also the affiliate’s social channel where he/she promotes products or services. For example, Mystake Affiliate Campaign offers industry-leading commissions with up to 50% revenue share with its top affiliates.


What Is Revenue Share? / How The Commission is Calculated?

Revenue share is a business proposal by which companies share their benefits or losses with stakeholders – in this case, affiliates. In the online casino industry commission calculation scheme is as follows – a certain percentage of your net gaming revenue is your revenue share. Net Gaming Revenue (NGR) = (bets – wins – bonuses-admin fee) – to explain in more detail: NGR is player bets minus wins, minus bonus costs, minus the market fee. Percentage of the revenue share depends on the affiliate their activity and traffic.


What Is CPA

CPA means cost per acquisition and it is used to pay for FTD (First Time Deposit). For example, if the user registers with your referral link and deposits money you will get a certain amount of money. The amount is upon negotiation before starting a collaboration, thus it will differ from affiliate to affiliate.

What is the baseline? It is the minimum amount of deposit which your visitor should deposit to get you a CPA.


What Is the Hybrid Deal?

A hybrid deal in affiliate marketing includes both: revenue share and CPA which means that from the deposits, which are made by your tracking link, you get not only revenue share but also CPA too. Such deals are mainly suitable for big affiliates with great and regular traffic. 


What Is No Negative Carryover?

When you have finished the month with a negative balance it does NOT carry over into the next month. We call it No Negative Carryover.
To put it simply, if your affiliate balance is negative, it will nullify next month.


What Is Sub Affiliate?

If you enjoy generating commission by being an affiliate and want to invite your friends to be affiliate like you, you can do that as well and MyStake will pay you a special commission for that!

You can simply ask the Affiliate Department to give you a sub-affiliate link. This will allow you to register as many affiliates on their platform, as you wish. Your additional income is dependent on the performance of the sub-affiliates since you will get a designated percentage from their commission amount. So the more your sub-affiliate earns, the more your additional income is. As usual, an average sub-affiliate commission cut is 10%, which means that you will be earning 10% from the commission of your sub-affiliates and this is just because you referred them to join the website’s affiliate team!


How to Become An Affiliate On Mystake.com

In order to become an affiliate partner of Mystake, all you need to do is to sign up on their affiliate website. Once your account is activated, you will be given a tracking link and records.

You can also contact affiliate managers through this email [email protected] for more details.

Teleport Mystake Minigame

Teleport Minigame

A lot of players from all around the globe have been interested in the mini game known as "Teleport Mystake" that is available at online casinos. It blends the ease and thrill of online gambling with the fast-paced, action-packed gameplay of one of the most popular puzzle platformer games. In the following paragraphs, we are going to take a more in-depth look at the game, including its components and the manner in which it is played.

The fundamental concept behind Teleport is as follows: an elderly professor desperately needs assistance in order to get to the highest levels in his field by making use of teleportation. It's possible that a third party from the outside world will provide this assistance. Because the number of multipliers increases after each successful step. The objective of the teleports game strategy is to protect the professor and go unimpeded to the final arena. This is due to the fact that the number of multipliers increases after each successful step. This is because the effect of the multiplier increases as the stages are successfully completed.


Play Teleport Game


Overview of Teleport Mystake Minigame

The game Teleport Mystake may be accessed and played using a mobile app or a web browser. It may be accessed from a desktop computer or a mobile device, and players have the choice of playing for free or for real money.

The goal of the game is to advance through the stages by having your character teleport to other areas, similar like the goal in the first puzzle-platformer game.

You have the option of selecting the mode, which determines the amount of the fields, before you begin playing. You only need to click the button to make the change. After selecting your gameplay option, the next step is to make your wager. Your primary objective is to assist the professor in preparing for the teleportation. Because each successful step will add to your profit, you should see each risk that you take to continue playing as an opportunity to gain more money.


Play Teleport Game


Features of Telport Mystake

The primary concept behind Teleport is as follows: an elderly professor need to be assisted in ascending to the highest levels of his professions with the assistance of teleportation. Because the number of multipliers is increased with each successful step, the objective of the teleports game strategy is to protect the professor and make it to the last field without failing.

To a certain extent, the fluidity and responsiveness of Teleport Mystake's controls are what set it apart from other games. This is just another facet that sets the game apart. The game is easy to pick up and play, and the controls have a natural and unforced feel to them. That helps make it so that anyone can pick up and play the game with little effort. The incorporation of teleportation into the action adds another dimension of depth to the experience. And the player's ability to plot out and execute precise teleportation moves results in a feeling of fulfillment as well as a sense of success.

The visuals and audio of the minigame "Teleport Mystake" are also of the highest quality. The animations and character designs are superb. Furthermore, the levels are colorful and bursting with interesting elements to keep the player engaged. A lot of the music and sound effects in the game give it a really futuristic feel. Things like Robo's footsteps and the teleporter's electrical sounds add significantly to this impression.

The fact that the Teleport Mystake minigame may be played several times is only one of its many appealing features. That is another another of its many appealing features. There are several levels to get through in the game. Each has a wide range of possible solutions, some of which include hidden elements. This means you may go through the game's stages as many times as you want, trying out different tactics until you find the one that gets you to the end as quickly as possible.


Tips and Tricks for Telport Mystake Minigame

The following is a collection of useful tips and pointers that will aid you in getting the most out of your experience with Teleport Mystake:

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Teleport Mistake at an online casino:

• You should not rush through your teleportation preparations and instead take your time. Because the portals vanish after a few period of time, you will need to act quickly; yet, you should avoid being too hasty for fear of making a mistake.

·  Put forth the extra effort to keep your teleports in reserve for those moments when you will really need them. Because it is frequently possible to accomplish a level just by running and jumping, you should save your teleports for moments in which you are challenged by monsters or barriers that are very difficult.

• Don't let your fear stop you from trying out a variety of various tactics. You should try out a range of different techniques in order to see which ones work best for you since there are a number of different ways to play the game as well as stuff that is concealed.

• Always keep a watch out for new abilities and perks to unlock. It's important to get as many of them as you can since they may have a significant impact on how the game is played.

• Be sure to keep a close watch on the scoreboard while you're playing the game. It's possible that this may offer you a sense of how your score stacks up against that of other players and what you need to do to enhance it.

• Think about the possibility of winning real money as you play. It's possible that playing the game for free is interesting in and of itself, but betting real money on it brings a whole new level of excitement to the experience and has the potential to result in bigger prizes. Gambling should always be done in a sensible manner, and you should never risk more money than you can really afford to lose at any one moment.

The Teleport Game: Increasing Your Chances of Winning by Doing These Things

In spite of the fact that development of the game is still in its early phases, we have had the opportunity to test a significant number of the most frequently used strategies in Teleport Game. If you want to increase the chances of walking away from a gambling session with some more money in your pocket, you should give some thought to the following tactics.


Martingale strategy on Teleport

Gamblers are familiar with the Martingale betting strategy, in which a player's wager is raised by one unit after each loss. In this betting method, the player attempts to recover from previous losses by betting more. Players are allowed to engage in this kind of gambling at online casinos such as MyStake, despite the fact that it is not permitted in almost all land-based casinos where players may place bets.

The Martingale strategy lacks a significant amount of nuance in the game of Teleport. After putting a wager of one Euro, you will get a multiplier that is equivalent to two times your initial investment for each tile that you remove from the board. In the event that you do not succeed, the first Euro investment that you made will be increased to its original amount. And if you are successful, the game will start anew from the beginning.strategy works well in a broad number of games, including teleporter, and it's easy to remember.


Navigate to the Teleport fields on Zig-Zag.

If you are going to use this tactic, the top left-hand corner of the table should be the location where you make your first click on the table. After that, each subsequent click on the same button should move you one step farther to the right. As you get closer to the extreme edge of the right side, you should start moving to the left in a leisurely way. This strategy has brought us favorable results the majority of the time (about 70% of the time). Despite the fact that we haven't always been successful with it.


Teleport Pyramidal Strategy

If you execute this approach, it is going to be ridiculously easy for you to come out on top in this match. If you want to enhance your chances of winning, you should input your information into the maximum number of fields available. In this scenario, you should limit yourself to participating in only one event and promptly withdraw all of your money. You next have the choice of opening two tiles and then cashing out, followed by the option of opening three tiles and then cashing out. Finally, you have the option of cashing out. If you wind up losing everything and have to start again, you may just use the same piece that you used previously if you find yourself in that situation. Keeping with this tactic results in a risk that is now at an extremely low level.



In conclusion, the casino minigame known as Teleport Mystake is a fun and exciting option for players to take part in. This takes the engaging gameplay of a well-known puzzle platformer and combines it with the adrenaline-pumping action of gambling. Because of its responsive controls, vibrant images, and the opportunity to play it several times, players who are looking for a quick and enjoyable gaming experience should give serious consideration to purchasing this one because of its potential for multiple playthroughs. It makes no difference whether you've played the original version of the Teleport Mystake game or not; you'll still need to complete this one. Or, if you're just looking for something new and exciting to try your hand at while you're at the casino, Teleport Mystake is a game that you shouldn't overlook.


Play Teleport Game



Mini Blackjack

Mini Blackjack

Blackjack is a well-known and widely played card game that can be found in casinos all over the globe. The objective of this game, which is deceptively simple in terms of its strategic depth, is to get a hand with a value that is as near to 21 as possible without going over. Playing Mini Blackjack is meant to be fast and simple since it is a condensed and simplified version of the traditional game of blackjack.

Blackjack is a well-known and widely played card game that can be found in casinos all over the globe. The objective of this game, which is deceptively simple in terms of its strategic depth, is to get a hand with a value that is as near to 21 as possible without going over. Playing Mini Blackjack is meant to be fast and simple since it is a condensed and simplified version of the traditional game of blackjack. In the following paragraphs, we will take a more in-depth look at the game, its regulations, and the manner in which it is played at online casinos.

In the following paragraphs, we are going to take a more in-depth look at the game, its regulations, and the manner in which it is played at online casinos.


Play Mini Blackjack


Mini Blackjack

The card game known as Mini Blackjack is played using a deck of cards that consists of the regular 52 cards. Access to the game may be gained at an online casino via the use of a mobile application or a web browser to play the game. Players have the option to play for free or for real money at all times.

The goal of the game is to get a hand value that is as near to 21 as is feasible without going over. At the beginning of the game, each player receives two cards, and they then have the option to either hit (take another card) or stand (refrain from taking any more cards) (keep their current hand). The dealer must comply with a predetermined set of regulations about hitting and standing before comparing the player's hand to the dealer's in order to declare the winner.


Play Mini Blackjack


Features of Mini Blackjack Mystake

One of the most notable characteristics of Mini Blackjack is how straightforward and easy it is to play. The game is really simple to understand, and there are no complicated controls to memorize. To play their hand, players need to click the "hit" or "stand" button depending on how they want to proceed.

The visuals and audio effects of Mini Blackjack are likewise of the highest possible quality. The game has well-designed and animated cards, and the addition of sound effects, such as the reshuffling of the deck, contributes to an immersive environment for playing the game.

The fact that Mini Blackjack may be played several times is another another one of its many appealing qualities. The result of each hand in this game is decided by the cards that are given to the player, and there are a great number of hands that may be played in total. This enables players to go through the motions of the game more than once and experiment with a variety of tactics in order to get the greatest possible hand.


Mini Blackjack’s Rules

Mini Blackjack's rules are somewhat similar to those of the traditional version of the card game, but there are a few key distinctions that make Mini Blackjack well suited for fast and simple gameplay. The following are the fundamental guidelines for playing Mini Blackjack:

The game is played using a deck of cards consisting of the regular 52 cards.

The goal of the game is to get a hand value that is as near to 21 as is feasible without going over.

At the beginning of the game, each player receives two cards face down.

The face cards (Jack, Queen, and King) each have a value of 10 points, but the face value of the remaining cards remains unchanged.

The player has the option of standing still or hitting (taking another card) (keep their current hand).

The dealer is required to adhere to a predetermined set of guidelines about hitting and standing, both of which are determined by the value of the dealer's hand.

When a player reaches the age of 21, they are eliminated from play (bust).

The player has a better chance of winning when their hand is closer to 21 than the dealer's hand.

The player loses and the dealer wins if the dealer's hand is closer to 21 than the player's hand.


How to Play

Players who want to play Mini Blackjack at an online casino will need to visit the Mystake website and sign up for an account there. After the player has made a deposit, they will be able to locate Mini Blackjack in the game library of the casino.

Each participant begins the game by receiving two cards face down in front of them. They then have the option to stand (not take another card) or hit (take another card) (keep their current hand). The dealer must comply with a predetermined set of regulations about hitting and standing before comparing the player's hand to the dealer's in order to declare the winner.

After then, players have the option of collecting their gains or continuing to play in the hope of achieving a hand with a value that is as near to 21 as is feasible.


Play Mini Blackjack


Tips and Tricks

In order to help you get the most out of playing Mini Blackjack at an online casino, here are some tips and methods that you may use.

Be aware of the strength of your hand at all times. You should work at coming as near to 21 without going over without going over.

When selecting whether to strike or stand, it is important to take into account the dealer's hand. When the dealer's hand total is very near to 21, it can be riskier to hit.

Acquire a foundational understanding of strategy. The basic strategy for any card game is a collection of rules that instructs players on the most effective approach to play their hand given the cards they have been dealt. It may assist players in making more informed choices, which in turn can improve their odds of victory.

Make the most of the incentives and promotions that are available. There are a lot of online casinos that provide players who play Mini Blackjack with incentives and promotions, such as free hands or bonuses on their deposits. These may assist raise the amount of money in your bankroll as well as your odds of winning.

Establish boundaries for your own behavior. It is imperative that gamblers act responsibly and never risk more money than they can comfortably afford to lose. Make sure you don't go over your budget by establishing some limitations for yourself and sticking to them.

The best way to improve is to practice. Mini Blackjack is a game of strategy, and the more you play, the better you will get at making judgments and increasing the likelihood that you will emerge victorious.

Have fun! Mini Blackjack is an entertaining and thrilling game; thus, you shouldn't take it too seriously and should instead focus on just enjoying the experience.

Mini blackjack is one of the games that can be played on MyStake, and it has an RTP coefficient that is predetermined. This probability is distinct from that of classic blackjack. The result of the following card that is dealt in a game of real-life blackjack is completely unpredictable. However, the actual deck does not take part in the mini blackjack game, and it is not possible to determine the likelihood of the following card since the system bases it on the total amount of money that has been wagered. If the total bets in the system are significantly lower than the total wins, then the probability of the next card being in your favor may be higher than the real probability. However, if the situation is reversed, you may be anticipating an easy win, but the outcome may be of lower probability because of the RTP. Therefore, the rules of play are different while playing Mini Blackjack. The fact that each round of Mini Blackjack only lasts five seconds, as opposed to the standard blackjack game, which may last up to three minutes, is the primary benefit of playing this version of the game. And there are occasions when the odds of winning are really better!



In conclusion, Mini Blackjack is a fun and exciting mini game that can be played at online casinos. This game gives players the chance to test their skills at the traditional card game of blackjack. It has straightforward controls, compelling visuals and auditory effects, and is straightforward to play. The game has a high degree of replayability since there is a huge number of various tactics that can be used and a large number of distinct hands that may be played. Mini Blackjack is a game that is entertaining and thrilling, and it is definitely worth checking out no matter how experienced a casino player you are or how fresh you are to online gambling. Be careful to gamble in a responsible manner and never risk more money than you can afford to lose at any one time.


Play Mini Blackjack


Aquarings Minigame

Aquarings Minigame

MyStake is well-known across the industry for the unique mini-games that it offers. In a very short amount of time, the audience's attention has already been drawn to these quick games that are produced by UpGaming. Therefore, the former is probably not what drives MyStake to continue supplying its customers with such an impressive variety of minigames. The latter, on the other hand, undoubtedly is. Today, a completely original kind of minigame will be shown for the very first time in front of a large crowd. AquaRings is an innovative new kind of game that does not exist in any other form. To elaborate, everyone who has played this game has experienced the same two emotions: first, a sense of nostalgia for their youth, and second, a sense of amazement at the way the game is played. It is quite wonderful how the team at MyStake came up with a concept to combine the sophisticated game mechanics with the nostalgic aspects of the players' younger years.


Play Aqua Rings


How to play Aquarings?

To begin, you will need to create an account at Mystake.com. After you have made your first deposit, go to the Minigames section of the website and click on Aquarings. Determine the amount of your bet, then sit back and enjoy the game.

When you push the button, you are placing a real money wager on the outcome of the game, namely that the ring will crash with the pole. You will need to first make a deposit of real money into your account before you can take part in these real-money betting minigames.

This Upgaming minigame, like the portable version of Aqua Rings, contains a total of four poles. If you successfully insert the ring into the pole, you will get the value of your wager multiplied by the amount that is indicated as the pole's multiplayer. There is a range of 1.5x to 20x in the multiplayer mode. You may fire anywhere from one to five rings into the water by hitting the bet button. The ring is animated with water bubble effects as it is tossed to the top area of the screen, and it then proceeds to gently slide down to a pole that is located in the middle of the screen. If the ring does not make contact with any of the poles, you will lose your wager; however, if the ring does make contact with a pole, you will win the specified amount.

Play Aqua Rings

Rules for Aquarings Mystake

You may put bets ranging from 0.20 EUR all the way up to 1000 EUR in the Aquarings game. Therefore, this game is appropriate for players of all financial means. If you start off with ten thousand euros and play the Aquarings game, you have the potential to win a significant sum of money. As you are aware, the RTP (Return To Player) for Mystake minigames is quite high, and this game is not an exception; the RTP (Return To Player) that is given is 99%.

The concept of aquarings is quite straightforward and easy to grasp. In the center of the screen, there are five poles that may be seen. The primary objective here is to compete in such a way as to win the rings that are affixed to these poles. Altering the number of rings, from one to five, is another option. The colors of these rings change at random, but other than that, they do not have any unique multipliers or anything else to provide.



Each of the five poles has a unique coefficient, which may also be altered in accordance with the level of danger that you choose for the game. The coefficient of the first pole is 2.00X when there is a low game risk, and the coefficients of the other poles are as follows, in order: 3.00X, 1.50X, 4.00X, and 1.70X. The sequence in which the coefficients change when the level of risk is medium is as follows: 2.00X, 7.00X, 4.00X, 8.00X, and 6.00X. In terms of the high stakes game, the sequence shifts to read 10.00X, 4.00X, 15.00X, 20.00X, and 7.00X respectively. Be aware that if you decide to modify the game risk while you are still playing it, you will lose whatever progress you have made.


Bonus Round

You will get one additional point if you manage to balance all five rings on a single pole. After then, you will have the opportunity to gain 10 bonus scores, after which the betting procedure will be terminated and the bonus round will begin. When you enter the bonus round, you will be able to watch as 10 rings start at the bottom and hop their way up. When it comes to the value of each ring, this information is computed mechanically. For instance, the value of the first bonus ring is equivalent to the average value of the bets placed on those five rings that were placed on the pole that awarded you the first bonus score. This value is determined by the number of rings that were placed on the pole that awarded you the first bonus score.


Golden Ring

Golden rings appear one after another, and each of them has its unique multiplier that is determined at random. (it might be: 10x, 20x, 30x, … 100x). In the event that the golden ring is put on the pole, the amount of the win is determined by multiplying the multiplier (for example, 10x) by the average value of the five rings that contributed to the bonus score. The total amount won during the bonus round is equal to the sum of the most recent wager as well as the total worth of the golden rings that were positioned on the pole.


Conclusion about Aquarings Minigame

In conclusion, Aquarings is a fun and exciting online casino mini game that offers players the opportunity to test their strategic thinking and luck. It is easy to pick up, with simple controls and immersive graphics and sound effects. The game also has a high level of replayability, with a large number of levels that can be played and different strategies that can be employed. Whether you are a seasoned casino player or new to online gambling, Aquarings is a game that is worth trying out. Just be sure to gamble responsibly and only play with money that you can afford to lose.

Play Aqua Rings


Dice, Hilo, Wheel, Keno - Mystake Minigames

Dice, Hilo, Wheel, Keno - Mystake Minigames

Mystake Online Casino is a well-known site for gamers who are interested in trying their hand at a selection of different micro games. Mystake offers a variety of different games, ranging from the traditional game of dice to the high-speed game of Hilo. In this article, we'll take a more in-depth look at the several minigames that can be played at Mystake as well as how each one is played.

The minigame selection at Mystake Online Casino is rather extensive, and players may choose from options including Dice, Hilo, Wheel, and Keno. Players have the option of playing these games for free or for real money, depending on which access method they choose (mobile app or online browser).


MyStake MiniGames



Dice is a classic casino game that involves rolling a pair of dice and trying to get a certain combination of numbers. To play the game at Mystake, players simply select their bet amount and the combination they are trying to roll. The dice are then rolled, and if the combination comes up, the player wins.

Players who appreciate playing games with a mathematical edge often find that dice are one of their most preferred games. Because the coefficients and probability % are presented in such a straightforward manner, it is possible to readily determine the likelihood of his success. Utilizing the movable slider will assist in selecting the most lucrative game mode.


The Martingale Strategy is the most well-known betting system used in gambling in general. It is also the most well-known betting system. After a losing bet, you should consider doubling your wager, and after a winning bet, you should begin the process all over again. This is the basic gist of the technique. This tactic operates on the Dice game like a well-oiled machine, and the management of the website does not prohibit its use in any way. Playing Martingale has brought a profit for several players, which they have enjoyed withdrawing. But the martingale strategy always results in a profit, even if the doubling is restricted. Because the maximum wager on MyStake is set at 1,000 EUR, this means that you may only double your bet of 1 EUR a maximum of ten times. As a result, if your desired number does not appear during the first 10 trials, you are going to lose a significant amount of money. But it's quite improbable that after 10 attempts you won't get lucky! It is all up to you!


Play Dice



Hilo is a fast-paced card game that involves guessing whether the next card will be higher or lower than the current one. To play Hilo at Mystake, players select their bet amount and then try to guess whether the next card will be higher or lower. If the player guesses correctly, they win.

The payments from the game are not consistent. It depends on the card that you start with. It's possible that the reward you get for accurately guessing whether the following card will be greater or lower may change across rounds of the game. This is due to the fact that the odds shift based on the value of the main card. If the chance of a larger payoff is low, then the reward will be low as well. For instance, if the card that is now being revealed is a five, there is a significant chance that the card that comes after it will be higher. You may use that technique to your advantage by following it and placing bets in accordance with its guidelines.


When playing Hi-Lo, the most common tactic is to pass on the card if there is a chance of correctly predicting the following card that is more than the range of 30 percent. If you get the number 9 as your base card, for example, there is an equal chance of getting a higher or lower card. Because of this, it is best not to take a risk and wait until you get a higher base card, such as the number 3, because in this scenario, the probability of getting a higher card is greater than 70 percent.


Play HiLo



The Wheel game at Mystake involves spinning a wheel and trying to land on a certain section. Players can bet on which section they think the wheel will land on, and if they are correct, they win.

The wheel game is based on luck, and because it doesn't have many strategies, we can use the Martingale Strategy, which is based on a theory of increasing the number of your investments, even if the value of those investments is falling. However, because the game doesn't have many strategies, we can't use any other strategies. For instance, allow me to share with you some of my experiences: I placed a wager of one euro with a medium level of risk, and after that bet was unsuccessful, I attempted placing a bet of two euros; that bet was successful, and the winning color was yellow with a multiplier of two, which meant that my gains were more than the prior loss. If you visit our tactics page, you will be able to discover other winning techniques and tips for minigames.

The guidelines are fairly easy to understand. You can see the multicolored wheel in front of you. You have complete control over how everything turns out. You may, for instance, cut the wheel into sections ranging from 10 to 50 and then choose the amount of danger associated with the game.

You have the option of choosing from the three different levels of risk: low, medium, or high. You have a better chance of winning when the level of danger is low, but if you triumph when the level of risk is medium or high, the sum that you take home might be much bigger.

The greatest possible victory coefficient is equivalent to 49.50x, while the least possible win coefficient is 1.20x.

The risk level and the number of segments that you choose both have a role in determining the coefficients that are used in the middle.


Play Wheel



Keno is a lottery-style game in which players select a certain number of numbers and then try to match them with the numbers drawn by the computer. To play Keno at Mystake, players select their bet amount and the numbers they want to play. The computer will then draw a set of numbers, and if any of the player's numbers match, they win.

One of the standout features of Mystake Online Casino is the variety of mini games it offers. Players can choose from a range of games, each with its own unique rules and gameplay, giving them the opportunity to try something new and find a game that suits their style and interests.

The guidelines are easy to understand, therefore let's investigate whether or if there are any recurring winning patterns in keno.


Avoid picking the highest possible number. Even if you have a greater possibility of hitting more locations, the payments become so low that it is no longer profitable, and you will never earn enough to satisfy your needs. However, the number of chosen areas need to be more than fifty percent of the total number of opportunities. (If you have a total of ten numbers from which to select, go with six to eight numbers.)

Choose the inner numbers since there is a greater possibility of landing on the correct position.

The numbers that are drawn for Keno are chosen at random; but, if you pay close attention to the rounds, you will notice that some numbers appear more than once. The majority of the time, the spots will either be in a row or in a diagonal line. Therefore, keep it in mind when you are selecting the numbers.

Make adjustments to your setup if you discover that it is not producing any winning combinations for you. Instead of trying the hot numbers, try the chilly ones (cold numbers are seldom drawn, hot ones can be repeated often). In addition to that, put your faith in your gut instinct whenever you have the chance. There are situations when it might be useful.

Another great feature of Mystake is its ease of access. The games can be played through a web browser or a mobile app, and players can play for free or for real money. This makes it convenient for players to access the games and play whenever and wherever they want.


Play Keno


How to Play

To play the mini games at Mystake Online Casino, players will need to visit the website or download the mobile app and create an account. Players can then make a deposit and find the games they want to play in the casino's game library.

To play Dice, players simply select their bet amount and the combination they are trying to roll. The dice are then rolled, and if the combination comes up, the player wins.

To play Hilo, players select their bet amount and then try to guess whether the next card will be higher or lower. If the player guesses correctly, they win.

To play Wheel, players bet on which section they think the wheel will land on, and if they are correct, they win.

To play Keno, players select their bet amount and the numbers they want to play. The computer will then draw a set of numbers, and if any of the player's numbers match, they win.


Tips and Tricks for Minigames

Here are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the mini games at Mystake Online Casino:

Experiment with different games. The casino offers a range of mini games, each with its own unique rules and gameplay. Try different games and see what works best for you.

Pay attention to the odds. Different games have different odds of winning, so consider the odds when choosing which game to play.

Look for bonuses and promotions. These can help boost your chances of winning or increase your prize values, so keep an eye out for them.

Set limits for yourself. It's important to gamble responsibly and only play with money that you can afford to lose. Set limits for yourself and stick to them to ensure you don't overspend.

Have fun! The mini games at Mystake Online Casino are designed to be enjoyable and engaging, so don't take them too seriously and just enjoy the experience.



To summarize, the Mystake Online Casino is an excellent site for gamers who are interested in trying their luck at a range of different micro games. The casino provides a variety of games, ranging from Dice to Keno, all of which are simple to access and play. This enables players to take advantage of the casino's offerings and enjoy their preferred games whenever and wherever they like. Mystake is a fun and interesting location to play thanks to the many games it offers and the incentives it provides, and anybody who is interested in playing online casino games should definitely check it out. Be careful to gamble in a responsible manner and never risk more money than you can afford to lose at any one time.


MyStake MiniGames

Poker - How To Play ?

How to Play Poker?

Get to know the basic hand rankings and rules that govern Texas Hold’em. Here are the 10 hands to know before joining the action.

Royal Flush


The ace, king, queen, jack and ten of a single suit. Get to know Poker’s most famous hand, a royal flush, almost impossible to be beaten


Royal Flush


Straight Flush


Five cards of the same suit in sequence. In the event of a tie, the highest rank at the top of the sequence wins.


Straight Flash



Four of a Kind


Four same-rank cards, and one side card or ‘kicker’. In the event of a tie, the player with the highest side card (‘kicker’) wins.


Four of a Kind



Full House


Three same-rank cards, and two cards of a different, matching rank. In the event of a tie, the highest three matching cards wins.


Full House




Five same-suit cards, not in sequence. In the event of a tie, the player holding the highest ranked card wins.






Five non-suited cards in sequence. In case of tie, the highest-ranking card at the top of the sequence wins.



Three of a Kind


Three same-rank cards, and two unrelated side cards. In case of a tie, the player wins with the highest, and if necessary, second-highest side card (‘kicker’)



Two Pair


Two matching-rank cards; two cards of different matching rank, and one kicker. The highest kicker wins in case both players have an identical Two Pair.






Two cards of matching rank, and three unrelated side cards. In the event of a tie, the player with the highest, and if necessary, second or third-highest side card wins.




High Card


Any hand not qualifying under the categories listed. In the event of a tie, the highest card wins, such as ‘ace-high’.



Try Different Games


Are you very confident while talking about No-Limit Hold’em? Great! Here are more game variations and tournaments than any other site can offer. Dive into the new game collection and become the ultimate poker player.


Getting Started


Dealing Cards and Betting Rounds

After dealing the initial cards, players are usually called upon to act in turn, moving clockwise around the table.

There are several possibilities, each player can take when it is their turn to act:

  • Check – declining the opportunity to open the betting. Players can only check when there is no bet during the current round. The checking act passes the action clockwise to the next person. If all active players check, those players remain in the hand and the round completes.
  • Bet – Players may bet if no other players have bet during the current round. Once a bet is made, other players must ‘call’ by matching the amount bet, in order to remain in the hand.
  • Fold – Players who fold forfeit their cardsthey cannot win or act again during the current hand.
  • Call – Players can call if other players have bet during the current round; this requires the calling player to match the highest bet made.
  • Raise – Players may raise if other players have bet during the current round; this requires the raising player to match the highest bet made, and then make a greater one. All subsequent players are required to call the raise or raise again (‘re-raise’) to stay in the hand.

Betting rounds for different kinds of poker are different. Two most popular poker games - Texas Hold’em and Omaha have identical betting structures, with four rounds of betting known as pre-flop, the flop, the turn and the river.

As all the players have received their hole cards, the pre-flop betting round begins. Betting on the flop occurs after dealing the first three community card; on the turn after the fourth community card; and on the river after the fifth and final community card.

Betting continues until every player has either matched the bets made or folded (if bets are not made, the round is complete when every player has checked). When the betting round is completed, the next dealing/betting round begins, or the hand is complete.

Let’s discuss the example of a Texas Hold’em hand after all the cards have been dealt. In the picture you see that players may use any of their two hole cards with any of the five community cards to make the best five-card hand they can make - here you can use both your hole cards and three of the shared community cards to make a straight.




  1.     Your opponents’ hole cards
  2.     Community Cards
  3.     Your hole cards




A showdown occurs when the last bet or raise has been called during the final round of betting. The remaining active players must show their hands, and the player(s) with the best ranking hand(s) win the pot.

Multiple players can share a single pot, with the pot divided in different ways that depends on the game rules and how each player’s hand ranks against their opponents.


Betting Limits


The amount players may open and raise are called Betting limits. Typically, poker gamesare of the following types; no limit, pot limit or fixed limit.

  • No Limit – each player can bet or raise by any amount, including their full stack  in any betting round.
  • Pot Limit – each player can bet or raise by any amount, including the size of the total pot at that time.
  • Fixed Limit – each player can choose to call, bet or raise only by a fixed amount. The fixed amount is set in advance.

For No Limit and Pot Limit games, the ‘Stakes’ column in the PokerStars lobby indicates the Small Blind and Big Blind in that game. As for the Mixed Games, the Stakes listed in the lobby are the betting amounts for Limit games; in Pot Limit and No Limit rounds, the blinds are usually half of the blinds in limit games.


Table Stakes and All-in


Only the chips in play at the beginning of each hand can be used during the hand. According to the table stakes rule application -All-In, a player cannot be forced to forfeit a poker hand because of not having enough chips to call a bet.


A player not having enough chips to call a bet is declared All-In. The player is eligible for the portion of the pot up to the point of his final wager. All further action involving other players takes place in a ‘side pot’, which the All-In player is not eligible to win. There can be more than one side pot, in case more than one player goes All-In.

As far as you already know the rules, it’s time to play!

In case any questions, our super-friendly support is here to help!


Roulette - How To Play?

How to Play Roulette?

Meet an amazing game – Live Auto Roulette! Anyone who has ever felt the thrill of waiting for the ball to land would agree with the statement that this is an unparalleled feeling. The game is funny and exiting.


The Basics


The rules of the game are not complicated at all. There is a wheel featuring red and black slots with the numbers from 1 to 36 on them and one or two green zero slots. There is a table as well featuring numbers and some sectors where gamblers place bets.

After the gamblers place their bets the dealer spins the wheel and a small ball appears. The winning number is the one which the ball has landed on. Gamblers get a payout if they have bet on that certain number or on a group of numbers that contain the one with the ball.


Types of Bets


Generally, In roulette, gamblers can bet on a single number or on different groups of numbers. Betting combinations bring you different odds for winning and different payouts. 

There are three main categories of Roulette bets: inside, outside and announced bets.

The first two categories are the basic ones that are offered by all roulette games. The third one is more advanced and featured. Get to know the basic roulette bets:


Inside Bets

The main part of the Roulette table consists of the numbers from zero to 36 and the rest are sectors for betting on groups of numbers: odd/even, red/black, 1-18/19-36, columns and dozens. Inside bets are the bets placed on the numbers, whereas the bets placed on the other sectors are called outside bets. There are seven types of inside roulette bets described below:


1. Straight:

    - This is a bet that covers only one number. In order to make this bet, place the chip inside the square of the number.

2. Split:

    - A bet on two numbers which are adjacent on the table, made by placing the chip on the shared line of the two numbers’ squares.

3. Street:

    - A bet on three consecutive numbers located on the same line. Make the bet by placing the chip on the outer corner of the row.

4. Six Line:

    -  A bet on two adjacent lines. In order to make this bet, you have to place the chip on the common outer corner of the two lines.

5. Corner:

    - This is a four-number bet, placed by putting the chip on the common corner of the four numbers. Also called ‘square’ bet.

6. Trio:

    - A three-number bet that includes the zero or zeros. Place the chip on the line shared by the zero box and the two other numbers.

7. Basket:

    - Bet on 0, 1, 2 and 3 with a chip on the corner shared by the zero box and the first line. In American Roulette, it includes the double zero.


Outside Bets


Outside bets cover the bigger groups of numbers. There are five common types outside bets:

·         Red or Black – Bet on the color of the winning number

·         Odd or Even – Bet on whether the winning number will be odd or even

·         1 to 18 or 19 to 36 – Bet on whether the winning number will be low (lower than 19) or high

·         Dozens – Bet on one of the three dozen that are found on the layout of the table

·         Columns – Bet from which of the three columns will the winning number be

The snake bet is available only in certain roulette variations. It covers the red numbers 1, 5, 9, 12, 14, 16, 19, 23, 27, 30, 32 and 34, that create the shape of a snake. In this bet, all the numbers are covered by one chip.



MyStake Support

MyStake Support

Live Chat

Are you looking for a fast and efficient way to get help with your online casino experience? Look no further than the live chat support feature!

At MyStake, the live chat support feature is available 24/7, so you can get help whenever you need it. The team of professionals that work on the live chat support are highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of the casino. They are also kind and patient, and will do their best to resolve any issues you may be experiencing.

One of the great things about the live chat support is how fast it is. Instead of having to wait on hold or send an email and wait for a response, you can get immediate assistance through the live chat feature. This is especially convenient if you have a time-sensitive issue or question.

In addition to being fast and efficient, the live chat support team is also very professional. They will handle your inquiries with the utmost care and respect, and will do their best to ensure that your experience at the online casino is a positive one.

So next time you need help with your online casino experience, don't hesitate to use the live chat support feature. You'll be glad you did!


Support email

If you need assistance with your online casino experience, but live chat isn't quite convenient for you, don't worry - the email support team is here to help!

At MyStake, you can reach out to the support team through email, and you can expect a prompt and thorough response. The team of professionals that handle email support are highly trained and knowledgeable about all aspects of the casino, and they are dedicated to providing excellent customer service.

One of the great things about email support is that you can take your time composing your message and outlining any issues or questions you may have. The team will carefully review your email and provide a detailed response, ensuring that all of your concerns are addressed.

In addition to being thorough and thoughtful, the email support team is also very kind and professional. They will handle your inquiries with the utmost care and respect, and will do their best to resolve any issues you may be experiencing.

So next time you need help with your online casino experience, don't hesitate to reach out to the email support team. They are here to make sure your experience is the best it can be!


Contact MyStake Support


KYC Support

Another important aspect of the MyStake online casino experience is the robust KYC (Know Your Customer) verification process. This process is in place to ensure the safety and security of all players, and to comply with regulatory requirements. The KYC support team is highly experienced and knowledgeable about the verification process, and they are dedicated to making it as smooth and efficient as possible for you.

When you sign up for an account at MyStake, you will be required to submit various forms of identification and proof of address to complete the verification process. This may include a government-issued ID, utility bill, or bank statement. The KYC support team will review your documents and verify your identity within a timely manner.

One of the great things about the MyStake KYC support team is their commitment to customer service. They understand that the verification process can be stressful and time-consuming, and they are dedicated to making it as easy and stress-free as possible for you. They are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and they will work with you to ensure your verification is completed as quickly as possible.

So if you're looking for a safe and secure online casino experience, you can trust MyStake and their experienced and professional KYC support team to help you through the verification process. With their help, you can get back to the fun part of playing your favorite casino games in no time!


Contact KYC Support


VIP Support

At MyStake, we understand that our VIP customers have different needs and expectations than our regular customers. That's why we offer a VIP support service that caters to the unique needs of our VIP players.

The VIP support team is made up of highly trained and experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing the best possible customer service to our VIP customers. They are available 24/7 to answer any questions or concerns you may have, and they will work with you to ensure your VIP experience is nothing short of outstanding.

One of the great things about the VIP support service is that it provides our VIP customers with exclusive promotions and advantages. As a VIP player, you may have access to higher withdrawal limits, faster withdrawal times, and special bonuses and promotions that are not available to regular customers. Additionally, the VIP support team is committed to making sure that all of your needs are met, whether you need help with your account, have any questions about the casino, or have any other concerns.

So if you're looking for a VIP online casino experience, MyStake offers a dedicated VIP support service that caters to your needs and offers exclusive promotions and advantages. With their help, you can get the most out of your experience and enjoy the best possible service as a VIP player.


Contact VIP Support


Affiliate Support

At MyStake, we understand the importance of building strong relationships with our affiliates. That's why we offer a dedicated affiliate support service to help our affiliates succeed. The affiliate support team is composed of experienced professionals who are knowledgeable about all aspects of the casino industry and are dedicated to providing the best possible support to our affiliates.

One of the great things about the affiliate support service is that it provides affiliates with the tools and resources they need to promote MyStake and attract new players. As an affiliate, you will have access to a wide range of marketing materials, including banners, text links, and landing pages, that you can use to promote the casino on your website or social media channels. Additionally, our affiliate support team will be happy to assist you in creating custom marketing materials tailored to your specific needs.

Another benefit of working with MyStake as an affiliate is the comprehensive tracking and reporting system. Affiliates can easily track the performance of their campaigns, see the number of players referred, and see the revenue they've generated. This information can be used to optimize your campaigns and increase your earning potential.

So if you're looking to promote an online casino and earn revenue, consider partnering with MyStake as an affiliate. With our dedicated affiliate support service, you will have access to the tools and resources you need to be successful and grow your business.


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Icefield Minigame

Icefield Minigame

Are you ready to go off on an incredible new adventure? The Icefield Mystake Minigame is the place to go if you want an exhilarating experience that will put your skills to the test and have you on the edge of your seat the whole time. The Icefield Mystake Minigame is a free online game that takes place in a snowy and icy terrain that is full with mysteries and secrets for players to figure out. The game may be played at any time, and there is no download required.

The Icefield Serves the Following Functions, Specifically: The name of the game is Icefield, and it requires the player to rescue adorable Yetis while also earning money by guiding them across fragile and brittle ice fields. Each successful step results in an increase in the amount of rewards, and the player simultaneously saves adorable Yetis and earns money.

The following are the ground rules for the game:

You have the option of selecting a field that is 2 by 3, 3 by 6, 4 by 9, 5 by 12, or 6 by 15 inches in size. Which option do you go with? That really depends on you.

Travel across the ice field on foot.

You need to perfect your Icefield strategy in order to rescue Yeti and earn more money.

Simply use the "Cashout" button whenever you're ready to withdraw your money.

Every move you make is an opportunity to bring in more money.

Exploring the Icefield: Tips and Tricks for Success

Sign up for an account at MyStake Casino and make a deposit of any amount for the very first time. This will allow you to play the Icefield slot machine. Because each round of the IceField game involves a real money bet, maintaining balance is very essential. You may alter the amount of columns and rows on which you play the game, and the more columns there are, the higher your multiplier will be. You should make every effort to keep from slipping through the ice and losing your balance before you reach the finish line!

The Icefield game is a game of chance, and there is no winning method that can ensure your victory in this game. However, it is doable, and if you follow the advice that is provided below, you will be able to construct your strategy:

Remember the round from before when the ice cube was fractured, and when it comes to choosing which one to use for the next one, attempt to choose the same one.

You should test out all the different sizes of your field, and after that, you should choose the one that delivers you the most money the quickest.

If your gut tells you that the following move will cause you to lose cash out of your money, you should always think about using the Cash out feature. However, there are moments when you should put your faith in chance and keep going until you reach the end, since you will get the greatest victory that way.

To begin, you are aware that there are a total of 5 dimensions in the game, with 2x3 being the smallest and 6x15 being the largest. You should begin by playing with the smallest field size possible, which is 2x3, and you should invest one euro. In this scenario, the criteria for finishing the whole round is 7.92, which indicates that you have successfully completed the round if you are successful in any of the first seven trials.

Minigame of Icefield Mystake: The Best Way to Kill Some Time in Your Spare Time

To call the Icefield Mystake Minigame just a game would be an understatement; rather, it is an experience. It provides players with the ability to investigate a breathtaking wintry environment and uncover the secrets that are hidden inside it. The game is challenging, but it also offers an immense amount of joy when played to completion. It is the best way to make the most of your leisure time while still having a nice time, so you should definitely try it.

Not only is participating in the game a pleasant activity, but it also gives you a great chance to demonstrate your skills in front of an audience. The icefield is a difficult environment, and for players to be successful in navigating it, they will need to put all of their investigative skills to work. In addition, new content is being added to the game on a regular basis, which guarantees that players will never run out of new things to find and explore.

Icefield offers its participants a joyful environment in which they may take pleasure in themselves while also having the potential to earn financial reward. When you play the Icefield game, you have the opportunity to pick whatever field you like; however, the size of the field you choose will have an effect on the odds as well as the possible rewards. Now is the time to win if you are one of those people who is prepared to take some risks and put their trust in good old lady luck.


Winnings from Icefield

You should make an effort to complete the task, and it is strongly recommended that you do not utilize the "Cashout" option at any point. Keep in mind that you have 7 chances, so do not give up if you are unsuccessful in the first few rounds. If you are successful in reaching the goal within the seven attempts, you may assume that you have made a profit since the total amount of money you have spent is no more than seven euros, but you have earned 7.92 euros. The subsequent action is to proceed with another method; increase the number of fields to a size of 3 by 6; now you have 11 attempts to reach the last field since the multiplier on the sixth field is 11.27 times.

If you are able to complete the last ice cube challenge in 11 attempts, the next stage is to raise the field numbers once more and complete the same amount of challenges as the final field level. It is in your best interest to raise the stakes if you are successful in the first four tries. This is due to the fact that any possible losses are already compensated for by the early win. According to my past activities, I have successfully completed the task somewhere around the seventh or eighth time I've tried it and obtained a significant advantage.

In each of my attempts, I practically quadrupled the amount of money I had initially deposited. There is, without a doubt, a possibility that you may not have good fortune, but the likelihood of this happening is quite remote.

If the plan has been proven effective and everything works out as we described, you are free to give it another go and continue to carry out the instructions using a different sum of money.

Keep in mind that Icefield is a game that can be found on MyStake as well as other online casino brands! In the comments, you are welcome to discuss both your opinions and your experiences while using this tactic.

Conclusion about Icefield Mystake Minigame

In conclusion, the Icefield Mystake Minigame is a kind of online game that provides players with an experience that is both immersive and demanding. The fact that new material and features are always being introduced means that the game will always have something fresh to offer players. Because of this, playing the game is an excellent way to pass the time and have a good time. Aside from being a fun way to pass the time, this game also presents a wonderful chance to put your sleuthing abilities to the test. The Icefield Mystake Minigame is a well-made game that provides its players with an exciting and thrilling experience throughout the whole of the game.

The Rise Of E-Sports

The Rise Of E-Sports

ESports betting is a big thing currently that has gained a lot of traction over the past few years. ESports betting started off as a slow start, but the growth has gradually become quite explosive. People who are interested in the world of betting are keeping a keen eye on every move made in esports. This sort of betting is generating the enthusiasm, interest, and excitement in the younger generation and traditional sports lovers alike.

Benefits of eSports betting


A lot of people are getting involved in eSports betting because of its enormous benefits:
An exciting experience
Teams of highly-skilled game players display spectacular dexterity, creativity, concentration, endurance, and strategy as they wage war on eSport gaming. And if you have money riding on the outcome of winning the game, the excitement level surely dials up and develops a real buzz on the eSport fans by making them feel like a part of the game like never before. There are a lot of bonuses, promotions and sign-up offer to start this exciting experience.
Turn your passion into profit
Nobody wants to ignore the opportunity to turn their expertise into a profit. People stand an excellent chance of beating the bookmakers if they are genuinely expert in a particular game.
Supports a flourishing community
The flourishing sector is given a major boost by betting on eSports and attracts a lot of fans with each passing day. This is because people love to watch the passionate gamers strut their stuff on the big stage with their fortune at stake. This pleasure leads to support of the nascent industry by merchandising, purchasing tickets, battle passes, and so on.


Rise of ESports Betting


It is started with the use of the virtual in-game aesthetics, counter-strike, valve games, dots 2, and the third most popular is the esports on which the live betting is done. These all above games and esports are the highly liquid and real money economies. The fan used to gamble on these games on esports. Using game aesthetics is termed as skins, and all skins sites can operate their functions illegally. The unregulated casino chips become popular at the end of the year 2013. 
In 2016 the valve sent the cease and desists to the popular skin gambling sites due to the number of scams and a class action lawsuit. The result of the notices, the skins betting will slow down. esports is the regulated betting source, and the illegal skin sites do not make the transitions in it. 

How to bet on esports?


After you enter Mystake.com you will see a horizontal list of different products that the website offers. One of the newest and most popular products is Esports. By simply clicking on the Esports button you will be redirected to the main page of Esports.
On the above-mentioned page, you can find the most popular games of the industry such as Counter – Strike, Dota 2, League of Legends and etc. In the center of the Esports page, you can see all types of games that mystake has to offer. To start betting you just have to click on the game of your liking. By clicking on your preferred game, the screen will change below and you will see all the current or upcoming matches. The positions include all kinds of information like: Game time, Participant Teams, Live Scores and additional positions of course where you can make additional bets. 
The best thing about Esports betting is that you can watch your favorite game live and cheer for the team that you made a bet on. To watch the game just click on the Monitor Icon which is located next to the game. After clicking the icon another window will pop up and you will see the live feed from the game. 
To make a bet all you have to do is just click on the name of the team or on odds of any of the participants which you think are going to win. After clicking on it in the right corner a new window will pop up where you will see the list of the games that you chose along with the total odds that your chosen games accumulated.
Mystake gives you an option to make Single, Multiple or System type bets, it is up to you. Next to the total odds you will have to choose the amount that you want to bet on the current position. After choosing the sum and the game, system will automatically show you your possible winnings below. To finish the betting process all you have left is to push the blue Place Bet button and your bet will be accepted. 


Bitcoin Gambling Is Available On Mystake

Bitcoin Gambling

As Mystake always tries to adequately respond the industrial development, we allow our users to gamble via crypto currency as well. Mystake became best online casino in Canada, Europe, Latam countries. So there is not wonder that it tries to meet needs of all players.  Bitcoins are one of the popular digital currencies in the world and there are some reasons, why it’s more convenient to gamble with them:
It’s easier to deposit the funds with BTC and other virtual currencies, unlikely the traditional methods, where players need some time to place the money. 
There are cases, when bank accounts are stolen as well as the usernames and passwords of players. In case of BTC anonymity is guaranteed. So, the player’s safety is at a high level. 
In some countries where the rules are strict, bitcoin is a solution as it allows sending and receiving funds without depending on governments’ will. Thus, gambler can avoid geographical restrictions and limitations. 
Another advantage of using bitcoins in gambling is that casinos tend to offer many promotions to those who deposit bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. So does Mystake. So, it’s worth to join the industry’s “early adopters” and try to gamble with BTCs. 
To sum up, one should be mentioned. Virtual currencies become more and more popular in all fields in the world and gambling industry is not an exception. Moreover, cryptocurrencies particularly have replaced the traditional currencies even in gambling. 


Baccarat - How to Play ?

How to Play Baccarat?

Among other super popular Live casino games, Baccarat is one of the most played. The advantages of this game are that it’s easy to understand and it really brings fun. Get to know all the rules and join us.

The object of the game is to choose the winning hand, Player or Banker. It means, you can wager on three things: the player's hand winning, the dealer's hand winning, and a tie.

The game is played with 52 cards. Players make wagers. Two-card hand is dealt out to player and a banker. In order to know whether the player should receive the third card or not, the totals are compared and some drawing rules are used. The same happens for the banker.

Card values:

  • Aces count as 1;

  • Tens, Jacks, Queens and Kings count as 0;

  • All other cards, 2-9, count as their pip value, or 2-9;

  • Total hand values are 0 to 9, as ten is subtracted from any total of more than 9. If the player has 4-9-3, the total of 16 becomes 6, by dropping the first digit. Two 10's, or 20, becomes zero.


The player always acts first. Two cards are turned over and the dealer calls out the total. Then banker’s cards are revealed. If there is any total of 6 through 9, player stands, cards are not drawn. A total of 8 or 9 is a winner against any banker hand, except for the 8 or 9. In case the same totals, the hand is a tie. If a player has 8 and the banker – 9, the banker wins.

If the Player's first two cards are 6, 7, 8 or nine, they stand. If the Player's first two cards total five or less, they hit and receive a single card. Their play is now finished.

The banker stands on two-card total of 7, 8, 9.

The Banker always hits on a two-card total of zero, 1, 2 and 3 excluding the situation when the Banker will hit a total of 3 against a Player total of 8. The Banker will hit with a total of 4 against a Player total of 2 through 7; Hit with a 5 against a Player total of 4 through 7; Hit with a 6 against a Player total of 6 and 7;

We wish you good luck!